Greetings All,
With all of the great news around active transportation these days, it's time to do some celebrating! Come down to Albert Street on Tuesday, September 22nd from 12-4pm for some car-free fun. With displays, games, giant chess, a mobile veggie stand and free chocolate cake. it's worth checking out!
Schedule of Events
12:00-12:30 Track Stand Competition - test your skills or just watch and be impressed by the amazing balancing acts!
12:30-2:00 Square Dancing - we'll be dancing in the streets with a live square dance caller - no experience necessary.
2:00 - 4:00 Street Hockey - All skill levels welcome.
For more information visit: www.resourceconservation.mb.ca/carfree
Hope to see you there!
Stephanie Fulford
Green Commuting Initiatives
Resource Conservation Manitoba
303 Portage Avenue, 3rd Floor
Winnipeg, MB R3B 2B4
Phone: 204.925.3774
Fax: 204.942.4207