*[ Hoo boy. No stats or best practices or anything. Just something fun for kids of all ages on Saturday. All you need is a bike and an imagination. Go light stuff up for no good reason...and then come back for Ciclovia on Sunday. -Anders] *
On Saturday, September 7, help kick off "Ciclovia-Eve" by decorating your bike and riding down to Lights on Broadway.
There are bike decorating station stations in the following areas:
- Sherbrook St - Coronation Park - Omand's Park - Memorial Park
Things to note:
*-All decorating (free lights and other free fun things) at the four stations happens from 5:30pm-7:30pm**.*
- Group rides leave from the stations for Broadway's Parade of Lights at approx 7:30pm. - Manyfest is hosting the Memorial and Omand Park stations. - The West End BIZ is hosting the Sherbrook Street Festival Station and the Norwood Grove BIZ is hosting the Coronation Park station. - Prizes will be awarded at the Parade of Light for the Best Lit Bikes.
Photo of some of the winners from last year: [image: Inline image 1]
*[ If you're an adult, I expect more**. Something like this...work your magic. - Anders]* [image: Inline image 1]