The challenge: Show that 100+ cyclists in Winnipeg care enough about safer cycling to contribute $100 on Giving Tuesday for a strong campaign to speed up cycling infrastructure implementation in City transportation plans.
https://bikewinnipeg.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0eef3792ad826742c256 5b5d5&id=cd92080f90&e=74a3f90507 I'm in; safe biking is worth $100
Giving Tuesday is about donating to things that matter, after the spending sprees of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Safer cycling in Winnipeg matters a lot.
* The City has underspent its 2015 pedestrian/cycling implementation plan by more than $60 million. * Now, the City is developing a Transportation Master Plan to guide road infrastructure investments to 2050. * Winnipeg must achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050 * Emissions from transportation account for over half of Winnipegs GHG emissions * To meet its climate targets, Winnipeg must change course NOW to make travel by bicycle a safe, convenient and enjoyable choice.
Bike Winnipeg will use resources from this campaign to collaborate with CAA on a city-wide survey on climate and transportation, place strategic advertising, and other projects to inform City leaders on the benefits of redirecting resources to encourage travel by bicycle.
https://bikewinnipeg.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0eef3792ad826742c256 5b5d5&id=eb5b413da6&e=74a3f90507 I'm in; safe biking is worth $100
The first 18 $100 donations will be matched by our amazing sponsors for this campaign; HTFC Planning and Design and Bikes and Beyond
https://mcusercontent.com/0eef3792ad826742c2565b5d5/images/00357f97-4e61-0a 56-b6e0-2633cd84c6bc.jpg
https://mcusercontent.com/0eef3792ad826742c2565b5d5/images/1aefffa5-f538-4d ab-23d1-9974c0bee1b1.png
Alternatively, $100 will buy ¾ of a tank of gas for a Ford F150 and produce 170 kg CO2! Please share this message with your friends today. Watch our https://bikewinnipeg.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0eef3792ad826742c256 5b5d5&id=d838c10c39&e=74a3f90507 Facebook page for progress updates on this 100x100 Challenge.
Charles Feaver
mailto:charles@bikewinnipeg.ca charles@bikewinnipeg.ca