Active Transportation Plans Up and Down the Red River Corridor?

*[In the lead-up to an exciting conference in Portage la Prairie in March, I thought it worth circulating just a few examples of how active transportation is indeed "gaining ground" outside Winnipeg, be it under the auspices of health, tourism, recreation or anything else. I will limit myself to a few divergent posts between now and March 21st, but I encourage everyone to share any stories they might come across. Below is a message from Rivers West in an excerpt from the Manitoba Recreational Trails Association's brand new newsletter Text in bold is my emphasis. - Anders] *
"Vision 2030 - Master Development Plan for Red River Corridor Submitted by Julie Turenne-Maynard
Rivers West concentrates its efforts along the length of the Red River corridor in Manitoba, from Emerson at the international border north to Netley Marsh at Lake Winnipeg. Rivers West's vision is to make Manitoba's Red River corridor a destination. The mandate of Rivers West is to develop and implement a long-term strategy focusing on the development, promotion and management of the natural, tourism, cultural/heritage and recreational resources of the Red River from Emerson to Lake Winnipeg.Rivers West will work with stakeholders to create and promote a corridor along Manitoba's Red River that connects people with communities and attractions as well as the conservation, recreation, economic and tourism resources of the corridor.
Master Plan The Master Plan is intended to accommodate and integrate the local plans and enhancements of each of the various stakeholders, creating a clear picture of what the destination would offer in 20 years. This could include incremental greenway and natural environment enhancements, *comprehensive active transportation and recreational plan*, culture and heritage product, hospitality facilities, as well as infrastructure. It is also critically important that the Master Plan consider and incorporate the Canadian Heritage Rivers System document A Management Approach for the Red River in Manitoba.
Overall, the intent is to: evoke images of a specific unified destination; ensure that incremental projects are consistent with the long term vision; strengthen support and commitment among stakeholders; provide a lens through which priorities can be set and resources allocated; clarify the Red River Corridor’s position in the marketplace while establishing a focus for marketing and promotion.
This is a significant undertaking that will require the assistance of consultants to identify all current plans and expectations among stakeholders and to develop a unifying plan that has the support of all stakeholders. Rivers West is engaging consultants to execute the work. Stakeholders will be approached in Spring 2012 to provide input in the process. Public Consultation meetings will be organized. Please check the website for updates."
participants (1)
Anders Swanson