Active & Green - Ciclovia, back to work, and youth on transit

Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. *Looking to improve commuter options at your workplace?*
Request resources cycling, carpooling, commuting surveys and tracking progress, among others.
Book a presentation the various commuting options, as well as fuel-efficient driving, creating a commuter friendly workplace, and greening the workplace.
Attend a Creative Commuting Ambassador It's free!
------------------------------ Upcoming Events
*Ciclovia* Sunday, Sept. 9
*PARK(ing) Day* Friday, Sept. 21
*World Car Free Day* Saturday, Sept. 22
*IWALK* International Walk to School Day Wednesday, Oct. 10 International Walk to School Week October 8-12, 2012 ------------------------------ Make Green Action Centre Your Charity of Choice Every year, thousands of Manitoba employees participate in workplace giving programs, such as the provincial government’s All-Charities By giving just a few dollars from your paycheque each month you can make a big difference for protecting the environment and promoting environmental education.
*Please consider making Green Action Centre your charity of choice this year *. Ciclovia this Sunday! Come out on foot or by bike for Winnipeg's 4th Ciclovia Sunday, September 9th! Cycle a network of car-free streets from Assiniboine Park all the way to The Forks. Take your time along the north side of Broadway from Osborne to Donald Street for local food, displays, music and all sorts of activities. From Zumba and yoga to a wine and cheese festival, soap box derby and lots in between!
Start Something Good Want to improve commuting options at your workplace? Pick a project, large or small, and gather a few co-workers and a manager to help make it a reality. Maybe a bike rack or a ride-matching board for carpooling. Get started here Find a great source of ideas in the judging criteria the Commuter Friendly Workplace Award. Or check out what Assiniboine Credit Union, the 2012 Gold Award winner, is doing. Every step counts!
Youth on Transit With the new school year starting, it can be a great time to introduce your kids to transit. Whether you’ll be taking transit with your children, or whether they’re at an age to try transit on their own, public transit can help you to avoid rush-hour stress, school bus headaches, and wasted gas. Cycling Roundabouts to Edible Bus Stops
- Turns out that GenY-ers are driving less than generations before. But it kind of makes sense. Read about it here Then check out Peg City Car Co-op . - Minneapolis is the #1 Bike City in the U.S.? Who'd a thunk our neighbours to the south – with winters pretty much like Winnipeg's – would cap the list. Take that, Portland! Pedal to the article here . - Some people were confounded by small traffic circles introduced in Winnipeg to calm traffic and make those streets more bike- and walk-friendly. How about a floating cycle roundabout instead? Bike in circles here . - Take a ride to an Edible Bus Stop .
Cold Weather Cycling You can feel the definite chill of fall in the evenings now. Perhaps you'd like to continue cycling longer into the season or even year-round. Find all sorts of winter cycling tips along with this cold weather cycling brochure
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participants (1)
Jessie Klassen