Fwd: Join us for a Regional Tourism Workshop

Of interest perhaps to those Manitobans/leaders interested in being a part of the multi-billion dollar bicycle tourism industry?
See below.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Colleen Sklar, PMCR info@manitobacapitalregion.ca Date: Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 3:42 PM Subject: Join us for a Regional Tourism Workshop To: Anders andersswanson@gmail.com
www.leadingmanitoba.ca http://leadingmanitoba.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=65fccce1562a99ba91960f3f9&id=f9a8b4da30&e=132e976f52 View this email in your browser http://us3.campaign-archive2.com/?u=65fccce1562a99ba91960f3f9&id=a2b065dbaa&e=132e976f52 http://leadingmanitoba.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=65fccce1562a99ba91960f3f9&id=4feead6ade&e=132e976f52 *Tourism in Manitoba's Capital Region*
*Manitoba's Capital Region has the potential to attract new visitors and spending by combining our unique attractions and services. *
To help coordinate efforts and opportunities, the Partnership of the Manitoba Capital Region (PMCR) and its partner Economic Development Winnipeg - Tourism Winnipeg http://leadingmanitoba.us3.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=65fccce1562a99ba91960f3f9&id=d88a2353fa&e=132e976f52 will be hosting a Regional Tourism Workshop on October 6, 2014 to facilitate the creation of a "Capital Region Tourism Strategy" in order to better position Manitoba’s Capital Region in the growing Tourism Industry.
Tourism brings many benefits to our communities - it creates jobs, instills community pride, and supports local businesses. Tourism can help our region develop its economies by attracting new visitors and investment. A regional approach helps communities build on the strengths of each other, making them more attractive to tourists and more competitive in the tourism market.
The Regional Tourism Workshop will lead participants in a process that can be duplicated at the community level by participants to help create a Community Strategy in support of the Regional Approach.
*Workshop Details ** *** October 6, 2014*** (Date Change)*
The Partnership of the Manitoba Capital Region has a role to play in a coordinated approach promoting tourism in Manitoba's Capital Region. Shared tourism opportunities will be explored through a Regional Tourism Workshop to be be held in Stonewall, Manitoba at Quarry Park http://leadingmanitoba.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=65fccce1562a99ba91960f3f9&id=af063ffa54&e=132e976f52 on October 6, 2014 from *8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m*.
Winnipeg Economic Development - Tourism Winnipeg along with the PMCR has developed and will lead a process designed to identify shared opportunities for tourism in Manitoba's Capital Region. Presentations by tourism experts such as Travel Manitoba http://leadingmanitoba.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=65fccce1562a99ba91960f3f9&id=1469e17dc3&e=132e976f52 and Tourism Winnipeg will kickoff the event. This workshop is part of a larger vision for promoting all our dynamic region has to offer *Under One Great Sky. *
*Sponsorship Opportunities Available * *Who Should Attend *
- Municipal Councils, Senior Staff, Planners and Community/Regional Development Officers - Provincial Representatives - First Nations Government - Community Leaders - Community Organizations, Local Museums, Heritage Sites - Local Tour Operators - Organizations, Business and Industry - Economic Development Agencies and Organizations - Chamber of Commerce, Visitor Centres
Register Today, Space is Limited ! REGISTER NOW! http://leadingmanitoba.us3.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=65fccce1562a99ba91960f3f9&id=9f5a1d9392&e=132e976f52
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Building on the sold-out success of recent PMCR events, stay tuned as we work with our partners on upcoming interactive sessions designed with the needs of regional decision makers in mind:
*Economic Development Forum*: Where do our economic opportunities lie?
Join us this January for a presentation on a recent Regional Economic Analysis Process (REAP) report and help us "ground truth" the findings. More information to come on this exciting forum
*Sponsorship Opportunities Available *
*Interested in sponsorship or partnership? info@manitobacapitalregion.ca *
Our Supporting Partners http://leadingmanitoba.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=65fccce1562a99ba91960f3f9&id=15de8ed97c&e=132e976f52 http://leadingmanitoba.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=65fccce1562a99ba91960f3f9&id=89dbcb2687&e=132e976f52
*With special thanks to the University of Manitoba.* *Copyright © 2014 Partnership of the Manitoba Capital Region, All rights reserved.* You are receiving this email because you are a PMCR member, partner or stakeholder.
*Our mailing address is:* Partnership of the Manitoba Capital Region Unit 1 - 1749 Portage Ave Winnipeg, Manitoba R3J 0E6 Canada
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participants (1)
Anders Swanson