Fw: Active Transportation - Canada: July 6, 2009

----- Original Message ----- From: Michael Haynes To: undisclosed recipients: Sent: Monday, July 06, 2009 9:10 PM Subject: Active Transportation - Canada: July 6, 2009
Active Transportation - Canada features a regular posting of news articles, studies, reports, and other items that have relevance in this field, with previous postings available in an archive. In addition, pictures of existing Active Transportation infrastructure from communities across Canada will be profiled each week.
The following items have recently been posted to the Active Transportation - Canada Blog. To view in more detail, go to: http://activetransportation-canada.blogspot.com
AT Infrastructure Example: La Vallee QC - Rails with Trails
1.. Edmonton: Local Motion - Eco-Friendly Transportation 2.. Website - 20's Plenty For Us 3.. City adds 2,000 new Bixi bikes 4.. Newsletter - Bike Walk News Vancouver Island July 2009 5.. Let's learn to travel together 6.. How Portland Bureau Of Transportation plans for bike corrals 7.. Mayor considers pedestrian-cyclist crossing parallel to Burrard Bridge 8.. Conference - 2nd Safe Routes to School National Conference 9.. Book Review: Bike Messenger 10.. Owen Sound needs more pedestrians and less car traffic 11.. Government of Canada Celebrates Grand Opening of New Central Valley Greenway 12.. Bicycle-Only Subway Cars Planned 13.. Bike-trail betrayal alleged 14.. Amsterdam: More Trips by Bike than by Car 15.. Dieppe takes lead on bike lanes 16.. St. Laurent's new look 17.. Fliers call for drivers to blockade Sunrise Century cyclists 18.. W.H.O. Examines Traffic as Health Hazard 19.. Iqaluit bridge for pedestrians only, environment minister says 20.. Scenes from the Tour la Nuit 21.. City’s pedestrian plan boosts sidewalk spending 22.. Object of desire or necessary evil? 23.. Mayor wants better cycle plan 24.. Most kids earn failing grade on exercise, report finds 25.. Cycling to the Summit 26.. What do you think about scooter style e-bikes? 27.. Vision council doubles spending on cycling 28.. Longboards, a new trend in skateboarding, are designed for comfortable long-distance riding 29.. Skateboarders go wild 30.. Arrests follow swarm of skateboarders 31.. Rural Community Active Transportation Workshop ****************************************************************************************************
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Interested in an AT workshop in your community? For more information, please contact:
Michael Haynes Director, TransActive Solutions activetransportation@rogers.com 613.424.2803
participants (1)
Beth McKechnie