Be part of Winnipeg's first Ciclovia

Hello all you active people and organizations!
The Downtown BIZ is set to put on a huge event SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 13 promoting biking, walking, active transportation and healthy living. It's called CICLOVIA and it's a BROADWAY STREET FESTIVAL.
This is a chance for you to march to the beat of those who love to be active - engaging in cycling, walking, running, & blading - as a natural part of their everyday healthy lifestyle and hit up some newbies as well! Come promote yourself & your services to the hundreds of people that are sure to travel the Broadway strip and help promote alternative transportation and active living!
CICLOVIA is an event that supports the use of non-motorized transportation! We're closing down the entire north side of Broadway to motor-vehicle traffic from Osborne all the way to Main Street - with a connection from Assiniboine Park all the way to the Forks - so that people can walk, bike, rollerblade, skate, run, jump, parkour, or skip on down!
Ciclovia, meaning "bike way," is an event whereby a significant city street - the entire north side of Broadway from Osborne to Main - is temporarily closed to automobiles to allow dominance by non-motorized traffic. This closure will be part of the day's active transportation-friendly route connecting all the way from Assiniboine park right down to the Forks!
Ciclovia combines healthy living with arts and culture and engages citizens in active alternatives to motorized transportation, bringing life and community bonding back to otherwise car choked streets. Attendees will enjoy one of the city's most beautiful districts, taking in live entertainment, food, unique visual displays, family activities, and more!
There's NO COST to participate, however there are sponsorship opportunities for those who'd like to support in more ways than one! The sky's the limit on ways you can get your message out so be sure to come out and support!
Please see the links below for the following documents:
a.. Ciclovia 1-page summary b.. Ciclovia Participant-Application c.. Ciclovia Sponsorship Opportunities
Please fill out the attached application and return it ASAP if you are interested in participating.
a.. Host an activity (fitness, bike decorating, yoga, bike rodeo, skateboard demo, art session) b.. Host an on-stage demo or presentation ("how to" session, craft demo, etc.) c.. Set up a display table (information booth, awareness table etc) d.. Hold a mini street game/tournament (hockey, bike polo, etc.) e.. Be or bring out your company mascot (great for the kidszone and much more!) f.. Become a merchant (artist, clothing, accessories, jewellery etc) g.. Become a food vendor (truck or cart - must have all necessary permits in place) h.. Be an entertainer (graffiti art display, busker, kids entertainer - clown, juggler etc) i.. Other (you tell us!)
Get the word out to everyone you know and we'll see you Ciclovia Sunday!
Ciclovia Event Application Form
Ciclovia Sponsorship Opportunities
Ciclovia Summary
participants (1)
Beth McKechnie