EVENT INVITATION: Saturday February 2nd: Lindsay's Cool Million

Dear At Network,
You are cordially invited to take part in an historic event.
*This Saturday, February 2nd at 11:30 amhttp://www.theforks.com/events/calendar-of-events/date:2013-02#event_1631_20130202 *, Lindsay Gauld will be riding his *1 000 000th* kilometer as he rides down the frozen Rivertrail into the Forks port. There will be a celebration honoring this achievement (*this is the equivalent of riding around the world 25 times*).
As part of the celebration, The Forks is hoping to have *1000 riders on their bikes in the Forks port* to welcome Lindsay as he rides in.
For those of you who don't know who Lindsay is...well...he's gotta be Winnipeg's only former-Olympian-turned-successful-bikeshop-owner-turned-year-round-bike-courier. He's also been meticulously documenting his kilometers ridden from a young age. While certainly many of those "kilometers-biked" haven't strictly been "for transportation", many of them have been (he's a bike courier after all) and, more importantly, Lindsay has been inspiring people and demonstrating what's possible - rain or shine, snow or sleet, no matter what your age - for a long time. One million kilometers is an incredible achievement of incredible scale. IMO, Lindsay is also a rather nice fellow too!
If you've never ridden in the winter before, this is also your chance: The River Trail provides a nice well-packed, safe place to try it. Consider it an ideal place for a Winter Bike to Work Dayhttp://winterbiketoworkday.orgor Ice it to Work Day practice run, a chance to test your fortitude for Actif Epica http://actifepi.ca/ or an opportunity to add a few kilometers to your team's Jack Frost Challengehttp://greenactioncentre.ca/content/bougeons-en-hiver/tally. Whatever your reason, get out there. It took Lindsay a million 'clicks' to get here, so it's probably the least we could do!
Hope you can make it.
Please invite any and all who would like to be there at this historic event.
The Forks has asked that you please twitter, facebook, email, write letters but most of all, show up on your bike on the 2nd.
Sincerely, Anders Swanson
Lindsay's Cool Million *When* Sat, February 2, 11:30am – 12:30pm GMT-06:00 *Where* The Foks Port *Who* (Guest list has been hidden at organizer's request)
participants (1)
Anders Swanson