Fwd: "Ciclovia in Thompson" - Open Street Sunday - Sept 8th

Very exciting news to share - Thompson, Manitoba's first Ciclovia! Open street Sunday. Also great to see their volunteer-run Fork in the Road bike shophttp://m.thompsoncitizen.net/article/20130703/THOMPSON0201/130709999/community-bike-shop-gets-rollingis up and running for community members now :)
Great work Bruce Krentz and many others in organizing this event.
Please share with everyone you know up there!
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*Open Street Sunday – September 8th, 2013*
On Sunday September 8th cyclists will take over one lane of our core streets. A loop will be created using Cree Road and the West side of Thompson Drive. The inner most lanes on those streets will be blocked off to vehicle traffic and open to cyclists. ****
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Everyone in the community is invited to “loop the loop” and do a lap or two. The loop will be closed to vehicles from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm.****
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Event headquarters will be the Fork in the Road Bike Shop, located on the Boys and Girls Club property. Fork in the Road will not only be open for repairs but they will also have refreshments, a bike skill’s rodeo and will be giving away bikes and helmets. The Fork in the road will be open from 11:00 am – 3:00 pm. ****
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Open Street Sunday is a partnership between the Northern Health Region, The City of Thompson and the Fork in the Road Bike Shop. The event is a great way to get out and get some exercise. It is also a sneak preview of what it would feel like to have dedicated cycling paths in our community.****
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For more information on Open Street Sunday and a map, visit the City of Thompson website, facebook page or contact; Bruce Krentz at (204) 677-1742, bkrentz@brha.mb.ca or Cory Sparks (204)677-7952 , facility@thompson.ca****
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Bring your friends and family to Open Street Sunday on September 8th, 2013 from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm.****
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participants (1)
Shoni Litinsky