Mark Your Calendars - Two Important Bicycle Infrastructure Design Training Sessions in November

*A quick note about two important and complementary training opportunities. This is aimed squarely at those planners/engineers/folks interested in applying the best and latest in bicycle infrastructure design principles to all kinds of projects. There is a cost associated with each session, yet it is recommended that you plan to attend both if at all possible to get the full perspective. Knowledge is, after all, much cheaper than concrete!
*Monday November 19 TAC is offering a seminar on bicycle facility guidelines in Winnipeg:
Thursday November 22 and Friday November 23 Kickstand sessions* Mobycon and Copenhagnize presenting a made-for-North America two-day workshop on applying the hallmarks of Dutch and Danish cycling policy, engineering and bicycle culture principles to Canada. This presentation is aimed at combining Canadian guidelines and European know-how to come up with solutions adapted to North America.
* I am part of the organizing team for the latter. The local steering committee is meeting next week to finalize location, but the dates are firm. Registration is in fact already open. More details and ancilliary events to follow. If anyone wants more info in the meantime, feel free to call me.* * Anders Swanson 204-797-1962 *
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Anders Swanson