City of Winnipeg News Release - Construction to begin on Pembina Highway Buffered Bike Lanes Project
This was released to media today -
So far - all that is happening on Pembina is the delivery of lots of construction signs and posts.
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For Immediate Release
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Construction to begin on Pembina Highway Buffered Bike Lanes Project
Project the first-of-its-kind in Winnipeg's Active Transportation network
Winnipeg, MB - Beginning the week of July 23, 2012, the City of Winnipeg will begin constructing buffered bikes lanes on Pembina Highway between Crescent and Plaza Drives as part of a rehabilitation project.
Over the next four months, the northbound lanes of Pembina Highway will be rehabilitated and buffered bike lanes will be added next to the curb lane on both the northbound and southbound directions. These buffered bike lanes will connect the Bishop Grandin Greenway and the bike route along Crescent Drive.
This section of Pembina Highway is unique on the Active Transportation network, as it is the only feasible route to connect two existing Active Transportation facilities. Normally, adjacent streets with lower traffic volumes would be used for establishing Active Transportation routes. However, the properties on the east side of this section of Pembina Highway back onto the Red River and west of this section is an industrial area where there are no residential streets connecting Chevrier Boulevard to Bishop Grandin Boulevard.
When complete, this portion of Pembina Highway will accommodate three traffic lanes, a buffered bike lane and enhanced bus stops designed to accommodate larger articulated buses and improved delineation for transit riders, pedestrians and cyclists.
This project is another step in applying the Council-adopted Transportation Master Plan as part of OurWinnipeg. These documents outline the vision in which the City should grow in the next 25 years and specifically how the transportation system is to provide mobility options to all Winnipeggers.
For more information, visit: aBufferedBikeLanes/
Media inquiries should be directed to the City of Winnipeg Media Inquiry Line at 204-986-6000 or via email at
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Janice Lukes