Looks like our Walking and Wheeling webinar serieshttp://greenactioncentre.ca/content/walking-and-wheeling-webinar-series/was such a success that our Active and Safe Routes to School partners in Ontario will be doing one as well!
We will not be able to host all of them here at the Eco-Centre, but when we can I will send a reminder and invitation. Please register with Sandra Jones to watch from your own computer: scjones@telus.net
Please check your own access to the WALKS room on this link below. Click 'Allow' when promoted, or follow the instruction; for instance to update JAVA. Guest Link herehttp://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001txjSoZpK2mCKvai5APqy9DIcNLkRylU3EDFTaS3mOGEEN2525gNeOLTVOcCUgAjiiAoo4XC9kmi5xfvcGGvddn6ha8KqR6tliWj1OVTOD1-KfrlSZ757JVRVi-u6EKg04n_QoPthgrK7DQ1DMiPpAYDxUnS3yn1auzuX8_AYZ5fLpQOLm-em50gw8iJXTWAnT9kwTpUhNWZ3Ghxen9yTjgdsU1JebZ0pIjzpZGEvW1rzZ2X-7QrKZcDG2P41rj8G .
*Wednesday March 6 - 11am-1:30pm CST *
This active school travel webinar will include presentations and discussion of the rewards and challenges of working with high school students. These are the projects and presenters:
*Adapting School Travel Planning for High Schools *Jamie Stuckless will present findings of a Green Communities Canada-directed pilot in Ottawa that took place between September 2010 and December 2012.
*Experiences Engaging High School Students *Omar Bhimji with HASTe BC will share his insights.
*Making Tracks With High School Students *Jen McGowan will present on programs offered through the Ecology Action Centre, Nova Scotia
*Supporting Our High Schools *Share The Road representative Jamie Stuckless will update on their latest work.
* *
*Wednesday April 3 - 11:00am-12:30pm CST*
We are pleased to have municipal planners and other community professionals join us to present on School Travel Planning and active school travel projects in:
- The City of Vernon, BC
- The City of Edmonton, AB
- Rural Yukon communities
- Bridgewater, Nova Scotia (to be confirmed)
- Case study highlights from Ontario
*Tuesday April 30 - 11:00am-12:30pm CST*
Developers of unique active school travel apps for web and mobile devices will share their latest findings and updates. The presenters are:
- Anders Swanson. Background information is at www.greenactioncentre.cahttp://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001txjSoZpK2mDWbaAyS3pX5W1K9BKtlMIkmvj_hKjj1VsQuSt-N0ImL8SyYxz-R-gZWGqEmz9aek8lNfqdniicPL_A0GrLVqhkTNPkO2M6aVYQwib4W2J9hg== Bike, Walk Roll Project mapping app development
- Ken Martin. A link for app use is at iSchoolTravel: Active Travel and Emissions Calculatorhttp://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001txjSoZpK2mC4JuEOKTwu146CR934GtkXL2wN0_Seu2uDWtcLY_uqihTf_A1xHl8atTk4Ac61tKu-fg2geLJE-ef0AcSsYFpkxcrE_WxfLFTM_5FxutSeFgqB4YaA_af1tQ_qbN-GIKh3rQyI2k-zPA==
*Wednesday June 19 - 11:00am-12:30pm CST*
This session will provide results and highlights from the Hamilton, Ontario air quality monitoring project at St. Lawrence Catholic School. The project, a joint effort of Green Venture, Rotek Environmental, Clean Air Hamilton and Green Communities Canada, with support from Environment Canada's Air Quality Health Index, has involved elementary students in the collection and analysis of air quality data around the school and in action planning. St. Lawrence has been an active participant in the Stepping It Up (School Travel Planning) project with Metrolinx as well as Share the Road and Green Communities' Wheeling to School pilot.
Funding for the above webinar series is provided by the Ontario Ministry of Health.
Thank you!
participants (1)
Shoni Litinsky