Coming Soon: NACTO Global Street Design Guide

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Coming Soon: Global Street Design Guide On October 28, 2015, NACTO will unveil a new resource for designing urban streets around the world: the *Global Street Design Guide. *
Join NACTO Chair Janette Sadik-Khan at the 2015 Designing Cities conference in Austin for the official launch of this groundbreaking guide.
Each year, more than 1.2 million people die globally from traffic fatalities. At least half of these are vulnerable users, such as people walking and bicycling. With many problems rooted in outdated codes and standards, there is an urgent need to redefine the role of streets in cities and provide guidance to shaping sustainable public spaces.
The forthcoming Global Street Design Guide (GSDG) will set a new global baseline for designing urban streets around the world. Recognizing that cities are places for people, the GSDG shifts the parameters of designing urban streets from the typical point of view of automobile movement and safety, to include access, safety and mobility for all users; environmental quality; economic benefit; enhancement of place; public health and overall quality of life.
The Guide builds off the successful tools and tactics defined in NACTO’s Urban Street Design Guide and Urban Bikeway Design Guide while addressing a variety of street typologies and design elements found in various contexts around the world. Produced by the Global Designing Cities Initiative with support from internationally renowned consultants and a Global Expert Network with representation from 68 cities and 39 countries around the world, the GSDG has been created *for* global cities,* by* global cities.
This innovative guide will inspire leaders, inform practitioners, and empower communities in realizing the potential in their public space networks. By treating streets as public spaces that integrate varied functions and uses, the GSDG will help cities unlock the potential of streets as safe, accessible and economically sustainable places.
Don't miss the Global Street Design Guide national launch events on October 28, 2015 at the Designing Cities conference in Austin!
Designing Cities 2015: Austin Join city transportation officials, planners, engineers, designers, and practitioners from cities across the U.S. and world for a series of conversations on urban street design and transportation policy.
Register today! Early bird rates are available until September 25
Join us on October 28-31 in Austin, Texas for the fourth annual Designing Cities conference The conference program will include sessions on:
- Building Safe Pedestrian Networks through Corridor Redesign - Making the Case for Complete Streets: The Power of Images - Complementing Transit Systems with Shared Mobility - Designing Public Spaces: Buskers, Benches and Barbecue - Making it Happen: Gaining Public Support to turn Action Plans into Action - Protecting People Biking and Walking through Intersections - Planning, Designing, and Implementing Shared Streets - and much more!
*Program information *is available on NACTO's website or as a PDF .
*Register by September 25 for early bird rates*, and reserve your hotel room by October 6 to receive the discounted group rate.
NACTO is delighted to announce that the 2015 Designing Cities conference will feature keynote presentations from two visionary city leaders: Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter and NACTO Chair Janette Sadik-Khan. Don't miss these inspirational talks about the power of thoughtful transportation policy to transform a city.
This year's WalkShops feature the best of Austin's transportation system, from bike infrastructure to festival streets, sidewalk cafes to MetroRapid BRT WalkShops are led by city project managers and their partners, and are a fantastic opportunity to learn while walking, bicycling, and taking transit around Austin!
Thank you to the sponsors of the 2015 Designing Cities conference whose generous support makes this event possible.
For information on sponsorship opportunities or ways to be involved, contact Corinne Kisner, Director of Policy and Special Projects, at <>.
Upcoming Events:
*September 21, 3:00-4:00pm ET* NACTO Webinar: Protected Intersections in Vancouver
*September 25-27* National Open Streets Summit in Atlanta, GA
*September 28-30* M Together, a national shared mobility summit in Chicago, IL
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Shoni Madden