We are riding to City Hall today (June 9th) from The Forks to announce all of the exciting Bike Week news. Please join us in your best work attire! Meet Under the Canopy at The Forks at 12:15 PM, Announcement at 1:00 PM
Bike Week Winnipeg is a celebration of people riding bicycles. Whether you're racing, commuting, keeping fit, or just out for a Sunday ride, Bike Week Winnipeg is for you because it's for everyone.
This year, Bike Week Winnipeg will take place from June 13-19, 2015 and will feature a wide variety of bicycle-related events for all types of riders. Our weeklong celebration will kick-off with a pancake breakfast at the University of Winnipeg on Monday, June 15 and - as always - will wrap up with our Half Pints Bikes and BBQ Party at The Forks on Friday, June 19.
For more information and a full listing of Bike Week Winnipeg events, visit http://www.bikeweekwinnipeg.com/ bikeweekwinnipeg.com
We look forward to riding with you,
Andraea Sartison
Bike Week Event Coordinator
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Dave Elmore