FW: International Trails Day

From: Julie Turenne-Maynard [mailto:exec_dir@riverswest.ca] Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:46 PM To: Rivers West Subject: International Trails Day
Grab your bike, your running shoes or your rollerskates and join us June 1st, 2013 for International Trails Day. It's free, it's healthy, and it's fun!
There will be workshops, geocaching, kids' activities and much more.
See attachment for more information
-- Julie Turenne-Maynard Executive Director Rivers West Red River Corridor Inc. T: (204) 925-2321 F: (204) 237-4618 C: (204) 771-5585 www.riverswest.cahttp://www.riverswest.ca www.routesonthered,cahttp://www.routesonthered,ca
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participants (1)
Kristine Hayward