FW: News Release: Manitoba Helps Launch First-in-Canada, Year-Round Commuter Challenge

-----Original Message----- From: News Media Services [mailto:nmservices@leg.gov.mb.ca] Sent: Friday, October 15, 2010 12:19 PM To: mtutthill@healthincommon.ca Subject: News Release: Manitoba Helps Launch First-in-Canada, Year-Round Commuter Challenge
Manitoba News Release ............................................................ October 15, 2010
MANITOBA HELPS LAUNCH FIRST-IN-CANADA, YEAR-ROUND COMMUTER CHALLENGE - - - Program Encourages Climate-friendly Transportation Every Day: Blaikie
Manitobans demonstrated an outstanding commitment to environmentally friendly transportation, finishing at the top of this year's national Commuter Challenge, and now the program is being expanded to operate year-round in the province, Conservation Minister Bill Blaikie announced today. "Congratulations to all who participated in Commuter Challenge 2010," said Blaikie. "More than 8,000 Manitobans showed they can make a big difference by using active and sustainable transportation, resulting in cleaner air, healthier citizens and communities, and moving us another step toward reducing our collective carbon footprint." Manitobans logged more than 700,000 green kilometres earlier this year during the national Commuter Challenge. This action reduced greenhouse-gas emissions by about 200 tonnes, the equivalent of burning more than 60,000 litres of motor vehicle fuel. In addition, more than 9,000 students from 62 schools across Manitoba participated in the event. To encourage Manitobans to continue choosing active and climate-friendly transportation, the province is providing the Green Action Centre (formerly Resource Conservation Manitoba) with support to operate the Commuter Challenge year-round. The new program will provide participants with ongoing feedback on the benefits of climate-friendly commuting choices through the Green Action Centre's made-in-Manitoba, online tracking tool located at www.greenactioncentre.ca. A $100,000 contribution from the Manitoba Climate Change Action Fund, a component of the Sustainable Development Innovations Fund, will support a number of sustainable transportation programs including the year-round Commuter Challenge. "We invite all Manitobans to take part in the new Manitoba Year-round Commuter Challenge," said Randall McQuaker, executive director of the Green Action Centre. "We are pleased to partner with the province to expand the week-long national challenge to a year-round initiative here at home, a first in Canada." The year-round commuter challenge will encourage Manitobans to leave their vehicles at home and walk, cycle, take public transit, carpool or share rides instead of driving to work alone. - 30 -
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Mike Tutthill