Webinar Feb 8 - Promoting Safe Use of Roads & Pathways for Vulnerable Road Users - A Review of Canadian Promising Practices

Free webinar provided by the Public Health Agency of Canada and Centre for Health Promotion. Unfortunately I am not able to host this one at Green Action Centre, but have provided the registration information below!
*Date: *February 8th, 2013 *Time: *12:00pm-1:00pm CST *Registration:* Can be done for free here. http://www.chnet-works.ca/index.php?option=com_rsevents&view=events&layout=show&cid=198%3Aphac--promoting-safe-use-of-roads-a-pathways-for-vulnerable-road-usersa-review-of-canadian-promising-practices--aspc--promouvoir-une-utilisation-securitaire-des-routes-et-des-sentiers-par-les-usagers-de-la-route-vulnerables--examen-des-pratiques-can&Itemid=6&lang=en
Many small, medium and large Canadian municipalities are proactivity promoting more active lifestyles and transportation to curb obesity, reduce greenhouse gases, and address the economic costs of vulnerable road user (VRU) injuries and deaths. The safe use of roads and pathways by VRUs (e.g. pedestrians and cyclists) is important to enable and encourage communities that are more socially, environmentally and economically sustainable.
The Fireside Chat presentation will highlight the results from a comprehensive review of Canadian promising practices that promote the safe use by VRUs of off/on-road facilities, especially shared-use facilities, as well as identify successful VRU safety education and enforcement programs. It will highlight communities across Canada that are successfully educating and enforcing the proper use of new built environment features intended to promote active transportation.
*Advisor on Tap:*
*Dr. Gordon Lovegrove, PEng, MBA* Associate Professor, School of Engineering, Faculty of Applied Science, University of British Columbia
Dr. Lovegrove is the UBC’s School of Engineering’s expert in applied sustainable civil engineering. Dr. Lovegrove was awarded a grant by the Canada Foundation for Innovation to set up his Sustainable Road Safety (SRS) Research Lab. He has worked variously as a project and transportation engineer and consultant for over 20 years in communities throughout BC, and is regularly asked to speak on sustainable communities and transportation at conferences across the world. His leadership has facilitated research, planning, and implementation of projects emphasizing the promotion of sustainable land use and transportation.

Apologies, I read my calendar wrong and am able to host this webinar at the Eco-Centre for anyone that wishes to attend and share some discussion following the presentation.
The date again is February 8th, 2012 from 12:00pm-1:00pm
RSVP appreciated but not required. Please feel free to bring your lunch!
Thanks, Shoni
On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 12:01 PM, Shoni Litinsky shoni@greenactioncentre.cawrote:
Free webinar provided by the Public Health Agency of Canada and Centre for Health Promotion. Unfortunately I am not able to host this one at Green Action Centre, but have provided the registration information below!
*Date: *February 8th, 2013 *Time: *12:00pm-1:00pm CST *Registration:* Can be done for free here. http://www.chnet-works.ca/index.php?option=com_rsevents&view=events&layout=show&cid=198%3Aphac--promoting-safe-use-of-roads-a-pathways-for-vulnerable-road-usersa-review-of-canadian-promising-practices--aspc--promouvoir-une-utilisation-securitaire-des-routes-et-des-sentiers-par-les-usagers-de-la-route-vulnerables--examen-des-pratiques-can&Itemid=6&lang=en
Many small, medium and large Canadian municipalities are proactivity promoting more active lifestyles and transportation to curb obesity, reduce greenhouse gases, and address the economic costs of vulnerable road user (VRU) injuries and deaths. The safe use of roads and pathways by VRUs (e.g. pedestrians and cyclists) is important to enable and encourage communities that are more socially, environmentally and economically sustainable.
The Fireside Chat presentation will highlight the results from a comprehensive review of Canadian promising practices that promote the safe use by VRUs of off/on-road facilities, especially shared-use facilities, as well as identify successful VRU safety education and enforcement programs. It will highlight communities across Canada that are successfully educating and enforcing the proper use of new built environment features intended to promote active transportation.
*Advisor on Tap:*
*Dr. Gordon Lovegrove, PEng, MBA* Associate Professor, School of Engineering, Faculty of Applied Science, University of British Columbia
Dr. Lovegrove is the UBC’s School of Engineering’s expert in applied sustainable civil engineering. Dr. Lovegrove was awarded a grant by the Canada Foundation for Innovation to set up his Sustainable Road Safety (SRS) Research Lab. He has worked variously as a project and transportation engineer and consultant for over 20 years in communities throughout BC, and is regularly asked to speak on sustainable communities and transportation at conferences across the world. His leadership has facilitated research, planning, and implementation of projects emphasizing the promotion of sustainable land use and transportation.
*Shoni Litinsky* | Active and Safe Routes to School
Green Action Centre http://greenactioncentre.ca/
3rd floor, 303 Portage Avenue* | *(204) 925-3773
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participants (1)
Shoni Litinsky