"Gaining Ground" - Manitoba Conference on Active Transportation and Recreation - March 21 in Portage La Prairie

Hello AT Network,
Please share this with your colleagues and networks. We will have more information on the PACM website http://www.pacm.ca and registration open late next week. Apologize if this was already sent to the list.
- Cara
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*Gaining Ground: Connecting People and Knowledge *
*Portage La Prairie, March 21, 2012*
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*A Provincial conference on Active Transportation and Recreation*
The conference is bringing together leaders, experts and people with a passion to share knowledge, ideas, challenges and successes. IF you are a municipal leader, parks and recreation practitioner, health professional, trail advocate, cycling enthusiast, pedestrian, planner, engineer, elder, community volunteer or resident of Manitoba – YOU have something to share and to learn!
- PACM is putting the spotlight on 3 smaller Manitoba communities who are gaining ground in their pursuit to increase the quality of life in their community. Hear how distinctly different, tailor-made solutions are being developing and put into action. - *You* are invited to submit, present & share your own community’s success stories in our ‘5 slides / 5 minutes/5 highlights’ session! - Connect *coast to coast* with leaders who are working directly in communities with local, provincial and national governments to integrate active transportation, recreation, and and development with research and the very critical funding component!
~British Columbia – *Dr. Larry Frank*, Professor & J. Armand Bombardier Chair in Sustainable Urban Transportation Systems, University of British Columbia
~Nova Scotia – *Mike Arthur*, Manager of Physical Activity, Provincial Dept. of Health & Wellness
Hear key recommendations from the Manitoba Active Transportation Advisory Group report: *Greater Strides: Taking Action on Active Transportation *
**Round trip shuttle service from Winnipeg to Portage La Prairie for conference attendees**
For info visit www.pacm.ca or contact Cara Fisher, PACM Project Assistant by email at conference@pacm.ca or by phone at 204-294-7027
Conference hosted by PACM and funding assistance provided by Manitoba in * motion*
participants (1)
Cara Fisher