FW: ParticipACTION Forum- Active Transportation

From: ParticipACTION [mailto:sarah@participaction.ccsend.com] On Behalf Of ParticipACTION Sent: Friday, September 07, 2012 3:30 PM To: Kristine Hayward Subject: ParticipACTION Forum- Active Transportation
Dear friends of ParticipACTION,
You have shown interest in ParticipACTION Forums in the past and so we would like to invite you to attend our upcoming Forum occurring this September 18 2012, 1:00-2:30 PM EST.
The ParticipACTION Forums (national webinars) are designed to facilitate knowledge exchange and sharing between partners. The theme of our September 2012 Forum will be Active Transportation. The online Forum will allow participants to connect, share insights and potentially collaborate on future initiatives pertaining to the topic at hand.
We would love to have you participate in this online Forum. If you are interested, please email forum@participACTION.com.
If you would like to receive updates, news, tips, and research information from us, sign up for one of our monthly ParticipACTION E-Newsletters http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001sZtLCRG2nvQuF3V_rBfAPhgE9XD8Ksfgo1zIsxXM x06mSeExJh6PFc0WAO2luhHZ36LNLvqwEPxHLAEzvsGea7ku2B2qS078074LC4JZEaYUfmaD c7oX6hWIcgiFBmZcJamtbFoOLxzzDNzKtJNIlkhRQOzYaY8-5tr3rIyXYMM= .
Thank you!
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ParticipACTION | 2 Bloor street E | Toronto | Ontario | M4W 1A8 | Canada
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participants (1)
Kristine Hayward