Fwd: Community engagement, but digital

This might be interesting as a number of projects moving forward (Pedestrian and Cycling Strategies update, Transportation Master Plan update, Leila Ave, University Crescent) may need to look into virtual engagement opportunities.
Mark Cohoe Executive Director Bike Winnipeg t: 204-894-6540 e: mark@bikewinnipeg.ca
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: The Form-Based Codes Institute at Smart Growth America < info@formbasedcodes.org> Date: Tue, Apr 14, 2020 at 12:48 PM Subject: Community engagement, but digital To: mark.e.cohoe@gmail.com
Problems viewing this message? Read it online. http://action.smartgrowthamerica.org/salsa/track.jsp?v=2&c=d7XL7jbGMG%2Fz%2Fx1QaqTxRhlAErSf%2Fi30 [image: Form-Based Codes Institute, a program of Smart Growth America] http://action.smartgrowthamerica.org/salsa/track.jsp?v=2&c=QzlAuTvkcH7gx%2Fw8ygADJRlAErSf%2Fi30
http://action.smartgrowthamerica.org/salsa/track.jsp?v=2&c=hjSbJlHDlMvjZLR0iIWvBBlAErSf%2Fi30 When in-peron engagement isn't possible A webinar series on virtual tools and techniques for community engagement
How can community leaders continue to engage stakeholders and other members of the public in important local decisions when staying safe means staying home? The Form-Based Codes Institute at Smart Growth America and MSU National Charrette Institute http://action.smartgrowthamerica.org/salsa/track.jsp?v=2&c=P3wGuos2ULwaobNL0B9ygRlAErSf%2Fi30 are partnering to deliver a series of three webinars to provide local leaders, developers and advocates with tools and examples for staying in touch, sharing ideas, and getting interactive feedback to keep critical decisions moving forward. Many of these techniques, while essential in this time of separation, have the potential to engage new, hard-to-reach segments of the community, and will be useful, even beyond this current crisis. Join us for the webinar and see how you can stay in touch and keep the wheels turning!
*WEBINAR #1: Charrettes go virtual: Missoula, Montana hosts an online charrette to advance a community vision* http://action.smartgrowthamerica.org/salsa/track.jsp?v=2&c=9TW%2Bo7DN%2Bsw3yvPvOJOO%2BBlAErSf%2Fi30
Join us on April 28 when charrette organizers, Dover, Kohl and Partners http://action.smartgrowthamerica.org/salsa/track.jsp?v=2&c=soonoVmHauB7o1q3ESYXp5XnSyamygBK (DKP), and local planners from Missoula, Montana describe how they successfully pivoted a long-planned community visioning effort for the Mullan Area Master Plan http://action.smartgrowthamerica.org/salsa/track.jsp?v=2&c=8O13XtiNEyPjuCIelc2fshlAErSf%2Fi30 to a fully virtual format, designed to simulate the interactive and interpersonal experience of the “live” charrette. This new approach, created by DKP, uses a variety of online tools to generate thoughtful, place-sensitive solutions using high-quality design and urban planning best practices. Webinar speakers will share how the virtual charrette was structured, how the city prepared, the outcomes, and the pros and cons of using this virtual format.
Webinar presenters include:
- *Jason King*, AICP, CNU-A, Principal, Vice President, Project and Charrette Manager, Dover, Kohl & Partners - *Bill Lennertz*, Lead Trainer for NCI - *Tom Zavitz*, AICP, City of Missoula, Development Services
Plan to join us for future webinars in the series when we will discuss other tools and strategies for virtual online community engagement. Announcement to come soon!
This webinar http://action.smartgrowthamerica.org/salsa/track.jsp?v=2&c=PXQ99mjCBdLMhx24vNUnoBlAErSf%2Fi30 has been approved for 1.0 continuing education hours by the AIA, and 1.0 certificate maintenance credits by AICP, and 1.0 professional development hour by ASLA (LA CES). Looking for more webinars?
FBCI offers dozens of special topic webinars targeted to a range of audiences. Take advantage of reduced fees to maximize your social distance learning!
Top: Illustration and possible development scenario for the Hiawatha Farm Square Neighborhood in Missoula, MT (Image: Dover, Kohl & Partners) [image: Follow FBCI on Twitter] http://action.smartgrowthamerica.org/salsa/track.jsp?v=2&c=Iqeosz%2BMwGplFMGqUUAl4BlAErSf%2Fi30 [image: Become a fan of SGA on Facebook] http://action.smartgrowthamerica.org/salsa/track.jsp?v=2&c=%2BmhQf7UQvA%2Fi1eT%2FUkHYiRlAErSf%2Fi30 Know someone who might like receiving news from FBCI? Signing up is easy http://action.smartgrowthamerica.org/salsa/track.jsp?v=2&c=7IT0qFbQzs9P9%2BM8X6l6ABlAErSf%2Fi30.
You have received this email from the Form-Based Codes Institute, a program of Smart Growth America. Click here to manage your subscription or unsubscribe http://action.smartgrowthamerica.org/salsa/track.jsp?v=2&c=ezsyWReE%2BkQE6LQ33qDldRlAErSf%2Fi30 .
participants (1)
Mark Cohoe