Fwd: FW: Don't miss the upcoming webinar on Surveying & School Travel Planning!

Please share widely - if you are interested in active school travel and want to learn more about tracking tools and data collection, this is the webinar for you!
[image: ASRTS banner]
*Putting the Fun into Surveying for Active & Sustainable School Travel Planning*
*Tuesday, December 9, 2014 from 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM (EDT)*
Counting, collecting, mapping and using baseline and follow-up data can involve and inspire school travel champions of all ages, and help decision-makers provide safe routes to school. Please join us December 9 for a webinar that showcases two innovative approaches that can support your School Travel Planning projects. Both presentations were a hit at the recent Walk21 Sydney 2014 conference - well worth the 90 minutes of your time!
There will be a discussion period after each presentation:
- *The Living Streets Travel Tracker. A complete web-based monitoring and rewards system that uses a classroom whiteboard.* The Travel Tracker is a new web-based tool which works alongside WoW (Walk once a Week), Living Streets' long term Walk to School programme, to make the experience bigger, bolder and more interactive than ever before. It acts as a digital alternative to wallcharts for recording journeys to school, delivering all of the same functions, plus a whole lot more. Combined with monthly badges, the Travel Tracker forms a complete monitoring and rewards system fit for Strider's journey into the future! Presenter: Chris Thompson, Schools and Projects Coordinator, Living Streets Scotland.
- *Don't Let the Robots Win: The power of CounterPoint AND a new hi-tech vision of School Travel Planning.* CounterPoint is that little counting app designed around teenaged traffic engineers and its making a splash. Come learn what's been piloted in real-life, the changes made and fantastic design for you to use! It's meant to be your new Super-Duper Tool slash Video Game of the Future! We're making it easy to get started in School Travel Planning, from Reykjavik to Moose Jaw. All it takes is a one teacher and one classroom click. Then... School by School and Community by Community - setting a new standard in walkability and bike-ability measurement that is elegant, clear, fun and addictive! Presenter: Anders Swanson, Director of Software Development / Program design, Green Action Centre, Manitoba, Canada.
Production of this webinar is made possible through a financial contribution from Loblaw.
[image: GCC logo] Green Communities Canada
Canada Walks
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Canada Walks | 416 Chambers Street, 2nd Floor | Peterborough | K9H 3V1 | Canada
participants (1)
Shoni Litinsky