Volunteer for Ciclovia! Help spread the word

Ciclovia, meaning "bike way," is an event whereby a significant city street - the entire north side of Broadway from Osborne to Main - will be temporarily closed to automobiles to allow dominance by non-motorized traffic (cycling, walking, skateboarding, etc). This closure will be part of the day's active transportation-friendly route connecting all the way from Assiniboine park right down to the Forks!
Ciclovia combines healthy living with arts and culture and engages citizens in active alternatives to motorized transportation, bringing life and community bonding back to otherwise car choked streets. Attendees will enjoy one of the city's most beautiful districts, taking in live entertainment, food, unique visual displays, family activities, and more.
Be part of Winnipeg's first ever Ciclovia! Sunday, September 13th, 8 am to 6 pm
----- Original Message ----- From: Stephanie Voyce Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 5:19 PM Subject: Ciclovia Volunteers
Hello again,
Please help us distribute the attached VOLUNTEER application form! We are in need of a large amount of volunteers to make Ciclovia run smoothly. Please let us know ASAP if you/and or any of your contacts would be available to help.
Stephanie Voyce Project Coordinator
Downtown Winnipeg BIZ ph: 204.958.4621 f: 204.958.4630 Visit our website at downtownwinnipegbiz.com
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participants (1)
Beth McKechnie