Webinar Invitation: September 26 - Safe Routes Planning - A Transportation Engineering Perspective

To everyone interested in Active School Travel,
Green Action Centre invites you to join us for a local viewing of the upcoming Safe Routes to School Webinar at the EcoCentre (3rd floor, 303 Portage Ave) followed by group discussion.* *Detailed description provided below.*
*If you would like to attend from your own computer, please register for the event with Sandra Jones - scjones@telus.net
RSVPs are appreciated but not necessary. Hope to see you then!
Cheers, Shoni 204-925-3773
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*Wednesday September 26, 12:00 to 1:00 pm CST.*
*Safe Route to School Planning: A Transportation Engineering Perspective*
Safe Routes to School (SRTS) and school travel planning have always been important components of the transportation planning and transportation engineering realms.
Hear from Dwayne Cross and Russell Brownlee with the Canadian District of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (CITE), about
- how the engineering approvals and practices related to school siting and design have been changing of over the past ten years, and - learn of opportunities to proactively work with your engineering partners in planning and designing schools that promote walking, cycling and transit trips.
*Russell* is a recognized expert in undertaking in-service safety reviews of transportation facilities and has conducted operational and safety reviews at existing and proposed school sites. He will draw on years of experience related to school planning, design and operations as a municipal employee as well as through his safety review consulting work. Most recently, Russell prepared a guideline document related to school site location and access for the Region of Durham, and was the keynote speaker and facilitator at a *School Siting & School Site Design for a Healthy Community* workshop in Hamilton, Ontario. He is currently a member of an ITE International Committee preparing an Information Report on *School Site Planning, Design and Transportation*, which is now going through the balloting process to be released for approval.
*Dwayne* has developed highway planning policies and procedures, prepared transportation assessments for prospective schools, performed numerous highway commissioning reviews, and managed consulting services for several design, traffic, and transportation studies. As a member of the Technical Liaison Committee of CITE, Dwayne will provide an overview of CITE and its TLC Committee efforts.
Green Communities' Canada Walks thanks the CITE for this educational opportunity and dialogue to assist facilitators and stakeholders with their STP work.
Additional Bio
*Russell Brownlee, B.Sc., M.A.Sc., FITE, P.Eng*. is a Transportation Safety Engineer with over 17 years of public and private sector experience in the areas of road user safety, rail safety, and transportation engineering. At Giffin Koerth he provides expert opinions in the areas of transportation system design, operations and maintenance, primarily related to road and rail facilities. Russell is an active member of the Institute of Transportation Engineers. He is the Canadian District Director and represents Canada on ITE’s International Board of Direction.
*Dwayne Cross, P.Eng. MITE*, has over 14 years of public sector experience, spending the majority of this time as Highway Planning Engineer and Senior Highway Planning Engineer with the Nova Scotia Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal. He also has experience in the positions of Project Engineer, Highway Design Engineer, and Access Management Engineer. He has led the planning and pre-construction efforts of several 100-Series highways throughout Nova Scotia. Dwayne became a member of ITE in late 2006 and has been actively involved ever since. Dwayne was President of the Atlantic Provinces Section for four years, ending in 2010. As Past President, he remains an active member of the Section and the activities of its Executive.
participants (1)
Shoni Litinsky