Active & Green Special Issue: Women and Families

Check out our special issue of Active & Green e-newsletter: Women & Families! I hope you enjoy! Please share it with coworkers and friends.
Jessie Klassen Green Action Centre
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. *Looking to improve commuter options at your workplace?*
Request resources cycling, carpooling, commuting surveys and tracking progress, among others.
Book a presentation the various commuting options, creating a commuter friendly workplace, or greening the workplace.
Attend a free Creative Commuting Ambassador
Talk to us about implementing a Smart Trips at your workplace.
------------------------------ Upcoming Events
International Trails Day Saturday, June 2
Commuter Challenge Week of June 3-9 Register now as an individual or workplace to win great prizes VIA Rail's $500 voucher!
Wine, Wenches & Wrenches Riding on the Road Sun, June 3, 7:00-9:00 pm
Clean Air Day on the Bridge Wed, June 6, 7:00-9:00 a.m. Bonnycastle Park
Clean Air Day (schools) Wednesday, June 6 Fun Bike Ride Sun, June 10, 11:30-2:00 p.m.
Sun Trek Sun, June 10, 1:00-4:00 p.m.
MEC BikeFest Saturday, June 16
Bike to Work Day Friday, June 22
Bike to the Folk Festival Wed, July 4, 5:45 a.m.
------------------------------ *Membership*
Green Action Centre promotes membership as a way to expand and extend our outreach into the community. *Membership is FREE *and requires no specific commitment. Through our bi-weekly e-bulletins, we work to keep our members informed on timely and important environmental issues in Manitoba.
If you are not already a member, please take the time to join us Please also pass this along to your friends and family. *Help us grow our membership and outreach. *
SPECIAL ISSUE! *Women & Families* Commute with your kids The morning commute can be a hectic time for families. Commuting together bus, bike or on foot one day a week can add adventure, physical activity, and quality family time to this busy time of day.
Getting to school Want to bike or take the bus to work, but also need to drop your kids off at school? Green Action Centre’s Active and Safe Routes to School offers a number of innovative solutions to improve morning and afternoon drop-off and pick-up at your children’s school. Their School Travel Planning program recently won a Manitoba Planning Excellence Award .
Bike with your family [image: Nathan Wild and son Graham]Having a hard time finding information on biking with your family? We’ve compiled a list of great resources on biking while pregnant, cycling with babies and toddlers, planning your route, teaching kids the rules of the road, and much more.
Women as "canaries"
From "Moon Cycle" bike maintenance classes to "Wine, Wenches and Wrenches"
events for learning to ride with safety and confidence (while avoiding helmet hair!), more women-focused courses are being offered. Why is it important to get more women cycling for transportation?
Cycling fashion sense Just because you’re on a bike doesn’t mean you have to look like a Tour de France rider. Step away from the spandex and embrace your flair for fashion. Check out our quickie style guide everything from funky helmets and bike seats to baskets and skirt garters, and lots in between like dressy shoes and colourful bike bells.
Cycling infrastructure Don't know the difference between a cycle track and bike boulevard or a bike lane versus a sharrow? Join the club! But our handy photo guide help you decipher Winnipeg's cycling infrastructure and find a route that suits your comfort level.
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Jessie Klassen