Wed, Sept. 15 webinar - Connecting Transit & AT

Resource Conservation Manitoba will be hosting the following APBP (Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals) webinar on "Connecting Transit & AT" on Wed, Sept. 15. If you would like to join us, please let me know at See you then! -thanks, Beth (925-3772)
Webinar: Connecting Transit & Active Transportation (AT) Date: Wednesday, Sept. 15 . 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. CST Location: EcoCentre boardroom (303 Portage Ave, third floor - enter via elevator inside front doors of MEC)
For communities that want to create real mobility choices for their citizens, bicycling and walking must mesh with transit. This webinar will explore the common ground between the transit and active transportation communities, and ways to overcome institutional challenges to cooperation. Topics to be covered in the presentation will include:
* Reasons to create partnerships between transit agencies and bicycle/pedestrian programs; * Examples of effective collaboration; design guides and best practices; * Design, operational, and safety issues to consider when integrating bicycling and walking into stations, roadways and transit vehicles: o At stations-Wayfinding, forecasting demand for short and long-term bicycle parking, access for pedestrians and cyclists, integration with the local street network o On the road-Broad overview of issues around incorporating both bicycling and transit facilities in street design, as well as crosswalk policy and treatments at transit stops, pedestrian amenities at bus stops, and accessibility o On the transit vehicle-Bicycles on the vehicle; access for people with disabilities &; o Teaching cyclists and transit operators to share the road, including a new education program developed for Chicago that reaches both bicyclists and transit operators.
Presenters: Webinar presenters are Cynthia Hoyle, Transportation Planning Consultant with the Champaign-Urbana (Ill.) Mass Transit District; Dustin White, ransportation Planner with the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency; and Amanda Woodall, Training and Enforcement Coordinator, with the Active Transportation Alliance in Chicago.
participants (1)
Beth McKechnie