Fwd: 2016 Michigan Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety Conference

Something Manitoba needs? Interesting idea from Michigan State
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Teachout, Chad (MSP) TeachoutC@michigan.gov Date: Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 10:10 AM Subject: 2016 Michigan Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety Conference To:
Join bicycle and pedestrian safety advocates from around the state for the 2016 Michigan Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety Conference April 29-30 at the Comfort Inn and Suites in Mt. Pleasant. The day-and-a-half conference will highlight safety efforts in the state, new research into crashes involving bicyclists and pedestrians as well as an update on complete streets initiatives.
Registration is just $35 at *www.LMB.org/conference http://www.LMB.org/conference*. ONLY 200 spaces are available for this event. A group of block hotel rooms is available at the Comfort Inn and Suites at the discounted rate of $75. Use the group code: *Michigan Office of Highway Safety Planning*.
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participants (1)
Anders Swanson