Fwd: ITE Student Chapter Technical Workshop Invitation

See below. You may recognize Brian Patterson from the development of Winnipeg's Walking and Cycling Strategies. You may recognize Luis Miranda-Moreno from research into the relative safety of protected bike lans and factors influencing of the behaviour of people choosing to cycle in Montreal. Should be interesting. -AS
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Chapman, Jennifer (MIT) Jennifer.Chapman@gov.mb.ca Date: Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 10:15 AM Subject: ITE Student Chapter Technical Workshop Invitation To:
Dear ITE Members & Friends:
The University of Manitoba ITE Student Chapter is planning a technical workshop on the topic of “Active Transportation Accommodation”. The workshop is a half day session planned for Monday, March 21, 2016.
Please see attachment for more information and how to register.
*Jennifer Chapman, P. Eng.*
Traffic Analysis Engineer
Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation
420-215 Garry St.
Winnipeg, MB R3C 3P3
Ph: 204-391-1762
participants (1)
Anders Swanson