City of Winnipeg News Release - OurWinnipeg - The Conversation Continues

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For Immediate Release Wednesday, June 13, 2012 OurWinnipeg - The Conversation Continues
Winnipeg, MB - Today, the City released the first "OurWinnipeg: Report to the Community" which tracks progress in implementing its long-term development plan. The planning document, OurWinnipeg, came into effect nearly one year ago, following a multi-faceted public engagement initiative known as SpeakUpWinnipeg and has won several awards as well as broad community support.
Highlighting progress to date, the City will use the successful SpeakUpWinnipeg platform to continue engaging the public in dialogue about OurWinnipeg and efforts towards its implementation.
OurWinnipeg is the City's blueprint for the future in all key policy areas, particularly land use and development. The plan was developed through SpeakUpWinnipeg, a massive, multi-faceted public engagement initiative through which city planners reached out to citizens and stakeholders - over 42,000 of them - to determine their vision of what Winnipeg might look like in the future.
Having officially come into effect in August 2011, the City has already made substantial progress towards bringing various public initiatives, policy directions and departmental operations in line with the plan's vision and moving it forward.
The City will be promoting the report at various locations throughout Winnipeg with staff on-hand to answer questions and talk about how the plan is being moved forward in key areas. These "SpeakUpWinnipeg On the Spot" engagements will take place until Wednesday, June 20, culminating with an Open House at the Millennium Public Library on Thursday, June 21.
The report, together with various engagement opportunities are available to the public online at
Media inquiries should be directed to the City of Winnipeg Media Inquiry Line at 204-986-6000 or via email at
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DeweyPovoledo, Susanne