Safe Route to School Planning: A Transportation Engineering Perspective

For anyone interested in delving deeper into understanding the ins and outs of transportation engineering related to site designs (you don't have to be involved with school's to learn from this one) - this Canadian webinar is extremely helpful! This webinar archive has been put out by Canada Walks - the Active and Safe Routes to School Program in Ontario, and covers how the engineering approvals and practices related to school siting and design have been changing over the past ten years. The webinar provides examples of opportunities to proactively work with engineering partners in planning and designing schools that promote walking, cycling, and transit trips. Click here to view webinar
Please contact me if you would like to request any of the resources that are shared in the presentation.
*Did you know?* Monday October 1st kicks off International Walk to School Month! Sign up your school today
participants (1)
Shoni Litinsky