UPDATE - Pembina Buffered Bike Lanes

The below comments are made purely from observations made on Saturday, October 13th - I'm not aware of any updates from the City on the project -these are solely my observations and comments on the Pembina buffered bike lane project. If anyone else has observations - consider sharing them with this posting!
PEMBINA MEDIAN (between Plaza Dr and Chevrier):
Narrowing of the centre median between Plaza Dr and Chevrier, and construction of the curbs and roadway on both sides of the median is now complete. This aspect of the buffered bike lane project took about 3 months - undoubtedly creating new roadway lanes is a big component of the project. On Saturday, new topsoil was being installed on the medians and expect the salt resistant grass will be sprayed on shortly.
In this last month of construction - the project is going to become really interesting as the detail for the buffered bike lanes is starting!
Safe access on / off busses for transit users was a key aspect of the design of the buffered bike lane project. Transit users could not be in the 'line of cycling traffic' when waiting for or exiting a bus. The Bus Stop Treatment http://www.winnipeg.ca/publicworks/MajorProjects/ActiveTransportation/Pembi naBufferedBikeLanes/PDF/PembinaBufferedBikeLane-ChevrierBusStop.pdf enables transit users to have a 'landing area' as they wait to enter / exit busses. The landing area has a point where they can then safely check for cycling traffic and cross the buffered bike way to the sidewalk.
Southbound Pembina:
You may recall that last year - new asphalt surfacing was placed on southbound Pembina between Chevrier and Plaza Drive ($890,000) as part of the City http://www.winnipeg.ca/publicworks/Streets/StreetsProgram.asp 's street maintenance program. Now, as part of the buffered bike lane design, construction is starting on the southbound Bus Stop treatments. Sections of asphalt are being cut out of the roadway at all the bus stops between Chevrier and Plaza Drive (see southbound Pembina jpg) to provide 'enhanced bus stop design http://winnipeg.ca/publicworks/MajorProjects/ActiveTransportation/PembinaBu fferedBikeLanes/default.stm '. Not sure if the bus stop will be identified with raised surfacing or colored surfacing and expect the bike lane to transition into the existing sidewalk curbs. This will be interesting to watch unfold.
Northbound Pembina:
This year, as part of the City's street maintenance program, northbound Pembina (between Chevrier and Plaza Drive) was scheduled for new asphalt surfacing. This new asphalt surfacing is occurring simultaneously with the buffered bike lane project on the northbound side of Pembina. See the attached north bound Pembina jpgs highlighting the new roadway asphalt surfacing, bus stops awaiting enhanced design and soon to be constructed new sidewalk sections.
The final touches - once all asphalting / concrete is complete, there are to special paint markings installed on the roadway to provide a 'buffer' from vehicular traffic and the bike lane AND what I consider the most important part of this project - the installation of poly posts (upright posts) to create a 'visual separation' between vehicular traffic and the bike lane.
In theory - this new bike facility is to be 'intuitive' related to how it is used. (Wasn't the thought that traffic circles were 'intuitive'??!)
I'm hoping there will be some kind of AWARENESS campaign about the buffered bike lanes. I really believe a lot of folks still think Pembina is being widened for vehicles - all in preparation for the new stadium. Last year saw upwards of $6 M worth of roadway improvements in the Pembina and Bison / Chancellor area related to the new stadium.
I've not heard what the final cost for the bike lanes will be - noting it is incorporated with the northbound Pembina new roadway asphalting project. (~ $1M)
All very exciting for sure!
Janice Lukes
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Janice Lukes