Today's webinar, Through-Road/Main Street Interventions, has been POSTPONED until further notice from NCCHPP.
Thanks, Jessie
*Jessie Klassen* | Workplace Commuter Options
http://greenactioncentre.ca/Green Action Centre http://www.greenactioncentre.ca | Find us here http://greenactioncentre.ca/content/ecocentre-directions-and-travel-options/
3rd floor, 303 Portage Avenue* | *(204) 925-3772
Green Action Centre is your non-profit hub for greener living.
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On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 11:48 AM, Jessie Klassen < jessie@greenactioncentre.ca> wrote:
Just a friendly reminder of tomorrow's webinar: Through-Road/Main Street
Interventions. The webinar viewing will take place in the EcoCentre http://greenactioncentre.ca/content/ecocentre-directions-and-travel-options/ boardroom (3rd floor, 303 Portage Ave) and will be followed by group discussion of local applications.
RSVPs appreciated but not necessary. Hope to see you then!
*Jessie Klassen* | Workplace Commuter Options
http://greenactioncentre.ca/Green Action Centre http://www.greenactioncentre.ca/ | Find us here http://greenactioncentre.ca/content/ecocentre-directions-and-travel-options/
3rd floor, 303 Portage Avenue* | *(204) 925-3772
Green Action Centre is your non-profit hub for greener living.
Support our work by becoming a member http://greenactioncentre.ca/support/become-a-member/
Through Road/Main Street Interventions
*Thursday, October 29th, 1-2pm, EcoCentre http://greenactioncentre.ca/content/ecocentre-directions-and-travel-options/ Boardroom*
*This webinar will present “Through Road/Main Street Interventions.” This term refers to sections of public roadways that have a dual purpose, serving both as the main streets of small or medium-sized communities and as through routes for motor vehicles.*
*Presenter*: François Gagnon (NCCHPP)
In this webinar, we will introduce:
- What context-sensitive through road/main street design interventions
- What evaluations reveal regarding their effects on public health and
its determinants;
- The implications for the practices of actors who would like to promote
Question and exchange periods will be part of the session.
participants (1)
Jessie Klassen