FW: Active Transportation - Request for Documents
Hi AT folks - see below the request from the Leisure Information Network (LIN) for additional resources on Active Transportation.
Kristine Hayward
in motion Coordinator
2nd floor - 490 Hargrave Street
Winnipeg, MB R3A 0X7
Telephone 204 940-1676
Cell 204 232-7546
Fax 204 940-2690
Email khayward@wrha.mb.ca
Follow Winnipeg in motion on Twitter - @wpginmotion
Sign up to receive updates from Winnipeg in motion @ http://www.winnipeginmotion.ca/signup/ http://www.winnipeginmotion.ca/signup/
PLEASE NOTE THAT WE HAVE MOVED (MAY 5, 2012) - our mailing address and fax number has changed.
From: LINNEWS [mailto:acroxford@lin.ca] Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 1:01 PM To: Kristine Hayward Subject: Active Transportation - Request for Documents
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Active Transportation Request for Documents for the National Recreation Database
Happy New Year everyone
In our recent survey on the National Recreation Database, the vast majority of respondents said they would submit documents to the database, if they were asked for specific items... so now we're asking!
Many specific examples were given and we will be making requests on a regular basis. Those who submit documents will have their names entered in a draw for prizes at the end of the year (we don't know what the prizes will be yet, but we're working on finding some really good ones).
This week we're looking for active transportation plans, research, policies etc., so if your organization has anything like this, please take a few minutes to send them along. You can send us the full document, or a link to something on your own website (if you think it will remain there permanently).
Let's see how quickly we can make the database grow in 2013!
By the way, you can see a report on the survey results on our home page: www.lin.ca http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0019cgJmpIvtKyOz8cXoAiUjuhmtowvKb036tn2PYxR BlbW1KIqE46ieaBTDNlGvZ_kwDzfAxmJqdsg_kv4puqgLu_vgzqu9df1F1k_bQSsYGI=
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Leisure Information Network | 1 Concorde Gate, Suite 302 | Suite 502 | Toronto | ON | M3C 3N6 | Canada
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participants (1)
Kristine Hayward