Trails Day TOMORROW - NEW special event / invitation !

TOMORROW is Trails Day in Winnipeg An unprecedented number of events are occurring throughout the city! - see link for details:
and end of day yesterday we just received final confirmation that a ribbon cutting ceremony will occur on the brand new Bishop Grandin Trail West with government dignitaries ( location of Bishop Grandin Trail West )
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Bishop Grandin Trail West - (also part of the Trans Canada Trail)
3:00 pm Crampton's Market - 1765 Waverly St (Corner of Bishop Grandin and Waverly) Join MP Rod Bruinooge, Honourable Kerri Irvin Ross (MLA Fort Richmond) and Mr. Phil Sheegl, CAO City of Winnipeg (TBC) in opening this new trail!
The three levels of government have made significant investments in trail development over the past few years. IF you have some time on Saturday, join us at 3:00pm and congratulate / celebrate!
thank you!
Janice Lukes Manager, Special Projects - Winnipeg Trails Rivers West Red River Corridor Inc. 235-614 Des Meurons Street Winnipeg, MB R2H 2P9 Cell (204) 952-4222 Fax (204) 237-4618 Member of City of Winnipeg Active Transportation Advisory Committee Chair, Province of Manitoba Active Transportation Advisory Group
participants (1)
Janice Lukes