See below! You can get your bike all blinged up for Ciclovia this Sunday!!
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Stephanie Voyce stephanie@downtownwinnipegbiz.com Date: 3 September 2014 17:43 Subject: bike decorating To: "ciclovia-winnipeg@googlegroups.com" ciclovia-winnipeg@googlegroups.com, "gallery@aceart.org" gallery@aceart.org, "cycle@shaw.ca" cycle@shaw.ca, "stothers@shaw.ca" stothers@shaw.ca, "dave@greenactioncentre.ca" < dave@greenactioncentre.ca>, "andersswanson@gmail.com" < andersswanson@gmail.com>, "delmore@mts.net" delmore@mts.net, " knixon@winnipeg.ca" knixon@winnipeg.ca, "khayward@wrha.mb.ca" < khayward@wrha.mb.ca>, "sjeffrey@manitobafitnesscouncil.ca" < sjeffrey@manitobafitnesscouncil.ca>, "delmore@mymts.net" delmore@mymts.net, hannah_g program@aceart.org, "currieg@mts.net" currieg@mts.net, "Davidson, Beatrice (HLYS)" Beatrice.Davidson@gov.mb.ca, Erin Patton < epatton@wrha.mb.ca>, "Currie Gillespie (currie@woodcockcycle.com)" < currie@woodcockcycle.com>, "currieg@mymts.net (currieg@mymts.net)" < currieg@mymts.net>, "Jackie Avent (jackie@greenactioncentre.ca)" < jackie@greenactioncentre.ca> Cc: Scott Stewart Scott@downtownwinnipegbiz.com, Rose Dominguez < rose@downtownwinnipegbiz.com>, Melanie Andrushko < melanie@downtownwinnipegbiz.com>, J Signy Gerrard < signy@downtownwinnipegbiz.com>, Kristen Lourie < kristen@downtownwinnipegbiz.com>, Jason Syvixay < jason@downtownwinnipegbiz.com>
Hi all,
Just an update that Studio 393 has been doing bike decorating at Portage Place today and will carry on tomorrow and Friday. Feel free to stop by and get your bike all ready for Ciclovia!
If you can pass the attached poster on to your contacts it would be great!
*Stephanie Voyce* Manager, Placemaking, Cleanliness & Transportation *Downtown * *Winnipeg BIZ *204.958.4621 office 204.958.4630 fax Visit our website at www.downtownwinnipegbiz.com!
participants (1)
Jackie Avent (ASRTS)