ELECTION 2011 - Active Transportation PROMISES

Hi AT folks - please feel free to circulate widely,
I've summarized the various political parties active transportation PROMISES that we've heard / seen so far. I have not listened to last night's CTV debate - if any brilliant AT promises were made please tell me.
See complete details of all parties promises: http://www.winnipegtrails.ca/2011/09/23/election-promises/ http://www.winnipegtrails.ca/2011/09/23/election-promises/
* The Progressive Conservatives put their "PROVINCIALLY" focused promise directly into their healthcare platform - in black and white - and on the web. This promise has a PROVINCIAL focus.
* The New Democratic Party did a press release on an AREA infrastructure promise - in black and white and on the web. This promise is for one specific area.
* All parties have given verbal "PROVINCIAL" verbal promises.
1. A promise in black and white / on the web is far more desirable than a verbal promise from a politician - in my opinion.
2. Area specific infrastructure promises are fantastic! BUT - these are 'one offs' and virtually always requiring extensive months / years of advocacy from volunteers.
Currently the Province of Manitoba has NO active transportation plan, no policy, no point people, no developed expertise.
SUGGESTION: IF you are speaking to any NDP candidates - tell them you want to see - in writing - a "PROVINCIALLY" focused promise. Tell them you would like to see a promise in WRITING for: - a provincial active transportation policy - a director of active transportation - an active transportation advisory board (see complete details http://www.winnipegtrails.ca/2011/08/23/provincial-election-2011/ )
Perhaps hand them the black and white promise the Progressive Conservatives have made on Page 11, found here: http://www.pcmanitoba.com/assets/downloads/healthy%20communities.pdf
Looking forward to October 4th! apologies if you have received this email more than once!
Janice Lukes Manager, Special Projects - Winnipeg Trails Winnipeg Trails Association 235-614 Des Meurons Street Winnipeg, MB R2H 2P9 Cell (204) 952-4222 Fax (204) tel:%28204%29%20237-4618 237-4618 mailto:jlukes@riverswest.ca jlukes@riverswest.ca http://www.winnipegtrails.ca/ www.WinnipegTrails.ca
Member of City of Winnipeg Active Transportation Advisory Committee Chair, Province of Manitoba Active Transportation Advisory Group
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Janice Lukes