Walking....The NEW Full Body Workout - May 22, 2009

Hello, Can you please assist Winnipeg in motion by promoting the following FREE event and forwarding this information on to your networks? See you at the Library, Deanna
************************************************************************* Take Your Walk to the Next Level!
Walking......The NEW full body workout.
Walking is great exercise and most of us already walk a little bit every day. The benefits of walking are even greater when you use walking poles or add strength training to it.
Join Deanna and Kristine of Winnipeg in motion and Ken Chura of Keenfit as they show you how to get more out of your every day walk. Ken will discuss the advantages of using walking poles and demonstrate how to use them. Deanna and Kristine will show you how to get a full body workout by using simple equipment and objects along your walking route. This session will be held on Friday, May 22, from 12:10 to 12:50 p.m. in the Carol Shields Auditorium on the second floor of the Millennium Library.
Admission is FREE and registration is NOT required - just wear comfortable clothing to join in the activities, or come to watch!
Unable to attend? Visit www.winnipeginmotion.ca for great resources related to this session (& many others) to help you and your family get "in motion".
Please feel free to pass this information on to your co-workers, family and friends.
Contact Winnipeg in motion at 940-3648 for more information.
************************************************************************* Take Your Walk to the Next Level is part of "in motion Fridays", a series of monthly workshops that promote physical activity for better health. The in motion @ the Library series is sponsored by Winnipeg in motion and the Millennium Library. For a complete list of workshops, visit http://www.winnipeginmotion.ca/resources/in_motion_library .
** Sign-up to receive Winnipeg in motion email updates www.winnipeginmotion.ca/signup/ ** ------------------------------------------------------------- Deanna Betteridge, M.Sc. in motion Coordinator 2 - 189 Evanson St. Winnipeg, Manitoba R3G 0N9 204-940-3264 (w) 204-232-3297 (c) 204-940-8409 (f) E-mail: dbetteridge@wrha.mb.ca Web site: www.winnipeginmotion.ca
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participants (1)
Deanna Betteridge