Invest in Less: Peg City Car Co-op new Video!

Are you interested in seeing more sustainable transportation options in Winnipeg? Do you want to see less congestion, fewer cars, less parking pressure and less pollution?
We share your vision, and that is why as a group of volunteers, we started Peg City Car Co-op which now has 4 vehicles in three neighbourhoods that meet the needs of more than 100 members. We can create more opportunities for biking, busing, and walking in our city and enable individuals to live car-free or car-light. Over the next* 2 years*, our co-op would like to expand into new neighbourhoods and have* 11 vehicles *that serve the transportation needs of *350 members. *
*You can help get us there*
**Peg City now has investment shares available for purchase! If you would like to see carsharing grow in Winnipeg, and help us reach our expansion goals, this will make it happen. We have been approved as an eligible enterprise under the Province of Manitoba’s *Community Enterprise Development (CED) Tax Credit Program. * *What does this mean, you ask? Well it means that come tax time, *you will be eligible to claim a tax credit of *30% of the amount of* your investment. This is an opportunity to do good for your community (while getting something in return). How great is that?
*Learn about the investment shares, and view our new video: *
Thank you, Shoni Litinsky Board Member, Peg City Car Co-op
participants (1)
Shoni Litinsky