Fwd: Help divert bikes from the landfill at Empty the Fill - THIS SATURDAY!

Help divert bikes from our land fills to our community bike shops by volunteering with the WRENCH this weekend!
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Help divert bikes from the landfill at Empty the Fill - THIS SATURDAY! Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 15:10:56 -0500 From: Robin Ellis volunteer@thewrench.ca To: Robin Ellis wrenchvolunteer@gmail.com
Inline image 1 Hey Folks!
This Saturday (August 3rd) is the annual massive landfill diversion blitz: EMPTY THE FILL!
We will be heading out to the Brady Road Landfill bicycle compound to STRIP, SORT, STACK and SCRAP bikes to fill the racks and shelves of community bike shops in Winnipeg. Come see what's in our waste stream as we turn garbage into the stuff of dreams!
We can use as many volunteers as possible, and no prior bicycle knowledge is necessary! It would also be great to get some more folks with vehicles to transport people, parts or bikes.
The WRENCH will be providing bike stands and tools, food, water, and shade for everyone who comes to help out. Be sure to sport sturdy closed toed footwear, a hat, sunscreen, rugged clothing, and a water bottle.
Rides will be meeting at the bike dump at 10 am on Saturday morning.
Feel free to email/call for more info, and please RSVP via email or phone so we know how many people to expect. Thanks!
See you then!
participants (1)
Mark Cohoe