Sorry to use the AT network for this but I'm sure many of you can feel my pain! My fat tire bike was stolen this morning from the bike rack at the corner of Harrow and Corydon in Winnipeg. It is a Minnesota 2.0 - like the image below but with green instead of the red. If anyone sees it advertised on kijiji or other could you please let me know? Thank you!! Sarah
[Description: JP-20141223-framed-DSC_7371]
Sarah Prowse Physical Activity Promotion Coordinator 2nd floor - 490 Hargrave Street Winnipeg, MB R3A 0X7
Telephone 204 801 3255 Fax 204 940-2690 Email sprowse@wrha.mb.camailto:sprowse@wrha.mb.ca
Bike racks are available in front of the building at the corner of Hargrave and McDermot. Plan your Winnipeg Transit trip: http://winnipegtransit.com/en/navigo
Follow Winnipeg in motion on Twitter @wpginmotion
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participants (1)
Sarah Prowse