Fwd: VTPI News - Fall 2018
This may be of interest to people. One of the comments, for example, is that the cost of a parking space in an urban area is more than the cost of the car that parks there. The general theme is that we usually pay for parking indirectly through taxes, cost of housing or the cost of a commercial development, for example. Litman argues that instead of making parking "free" to users and providing more parking than the estimated need under these conditions, we should provide a more moderate supply and deal with any excess parking demand through various management approaches, like sharing parking among users. He points out that cheap parking distorts people's transportation decisions, and that where the cost of parking is paid by users they decide to use or buy cars less often.
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Todd Litman litman@vtpi.org Date: Mon, Dec 10, 2018 at 5:00 PM Subject: VTPI News - Fall 2018 To: Todd Alexander Litman litman@vtpi.org
* Victoria Transport Policy Institute*
"Efficiency - Equity - Clarity"
Fall 2018 Vol. 18, No. 4
The Victoria Transport Policy Institute is an independent research organization dedicated to developing innovative solutions to transportation problems. The VTPI website (www.vtpi.org ) has many resources addressing a wide range of transport planning and policy issues. VTPI also provides consulting services.
"*The Surprising Power of Parking Management*" (https://bit.ly/2SzKRVT ). This Reinventing Parking podcast includes a discussion by Paul Barter and Todd Litman concerning how parking management can help solve diverse urban problems. Put simply, conventional development practices require housing for cars not people, resulting in 2-6 off-street parking spaces per vehicle and a shortage of affordable housing. More efficient management can reduce the number of parking spaces needed to serve a destination, providing huge savings and benefits. Everybody wins!
"*The Best Tool for Reducing Traffic Deaths? More Transit!*" ( https://bit.ly/2QgB6yZ ). This StreetBlog column uses research from the report, "*A Hidden Traffic Safety Solution*" (https://bit.ly/2DS23z6 https://disq.us/url?url=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F2DS23z6%3AJdYDBd86I24iMyVZrwo_Ilgdfgw&cuid=733168 ). "*A New Traffic Safety Paradigm*" (www.vtpi.org/ntsp.pdf http://disq.us/url?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.vtpi.org%2Fntsp.pdf%3AQ61Olh-IQNmq4mBqrofTiWOj1Xo&cuid=733168 ), provides additional information on the traffic safety benefits of more multimodal transport planning.
"*CityLab University: Induced Demand*" (https://bit.ly/2Sy8rCd ). When traffic-clogged highways are expanded, additional trips generally fill much of the increased capacity. This article is based on our report, "*Generated Traffic: Implications for Transport Planning*" ( http://www.vtpi.org/gentraf.pdf ).
"*Educated Millennial Population Growth in Cities and Its Impact on Transportation*" (https://bit.ly/2Pjgj8R ), by Sam Schwartz and Julia Fiore. This ITE Journal article describes the growing number of younger urban residents who want more affordable housing and transport options, based on VTPI’s affordability research (http://www.vtpi.org/aff_acc_hou.pdf ).
"*Why the Transportation Energy Intensity of Buildings Matters*" ( https://bit.ly/2E9B455 ), by Alex Wilson and Paula Melton. This Building Green study points out that the energy used traveling to and from buildings (“transportation energy intensity”) often exceeds the energy used to run them, so accessible location is essential for truly efficient buildings.
"*Rural Multimodal Planning: Why and How to Improve Travel Options in Small Towns and Rural Communities*" (https://bit.ly/2G5OtO9 ). This report that explores why and how to implement more multimodal planning in rural areas and small towns. Current trends are increasing demand for non-auto travel options in rural communities, including aging populations, rising poverty, growing health and safety concerns, and growing tourist industries.
"*True Affordability: Critiquing the International Housing Affordability Survey*" (http://www.trb.org/main/blurbs/178166.aspx ). This report critically evaluates the *International Housing Affordability Survey*, which rates regional housing prices relative to incomes.
"*Quantifying Social Costs and Benefits to Guide Individual Action*" ( https://bit.ly/2yODulZ https://bit.ly/2yODulZ?fbclid=IwAR3c7ja1emEakkOEomIOy_hJuvIAGEhZzRA9XVXQvCQEbBIzjf8jVcVrCww ), by CityFi. This column uses VTPI analysis to compare the external costs of various transport modes, as a way to communicate the value of choosing more resource-efficient transport options.
"*Cities Can Save $17 Trillion by Preventing Urban Sprawl*" ( https://bit.ly/2Dyx6Cr ) by the World Resources Institute. This column describes research in the New Climate Economy report, "Unlocking the Inclusive Growth Story of the 21st Century," which identifies practical ways to reduce climate emissions and achieving economic development and social equity goals. It uses data from the 2015 report, "Analysis of Public Policies That Unintentionally Encourage and Subsidize Urban Sprawl" ( https://bit.ly/1lWmroP ), which estimated that sprawl is conservatively estimated to cost the US at least 7% of national GDP. This report provides an encouraging message: environmental protection can be achieved in ways that increase economic efficiency, productivity and opportunity.
"*The Effects of Long Commutes and What To Do About Them: An Annotated Bibliography*" (https://bit.ly/2Ptvo94 ), for CloseCommute Systems ( www.closecommute.com ). Closer Commutes identifies ways to reduce commute travel in multi-worksite employers, which collectively employ about 40% of the urban workforce.
Recent *Planetizen Blogs* (www.planetizen.com/blog/2394 ):
"*Planning for Crime Reduction*" (https://www.planetizen.com/blogs/101826 ). Few issues are more emotional, and therefore vulnerable to bad analysis, than urban crime risk. Solid research indicates that more compact and mixed development tends to increase neighborhood security. Jane Jacobs was right! This column includes some original analysis which compares murder, homicide and suicide rates by community type, which indicates that large cities have lower total risk than smaller cities, towns and rural areas. This indicates that Smart Growth is safer as well as healthier.
"*Dynamic Planning for Affordability*" ( https://www.planetizen.com/blogs/100402 )
Conventional planning is static, designed to lock in existing land use patterns. We need more dynamic planning to respond to changing household needs and community goals.
"*Win-Win Solutions for Climate Protection and Health*" ( https://www.planetizen.com/blogs/100874 ). The *Call to Action on Climate and Health* is an ambitious plan to achieve both global climate and health goals. Planners can help identify win-win solutions that provide multiple benefits and so can build broad implementation coalitions.
"*How Filtering Increases Housing Affordability*" ( https://www.planetizen.com/blogs/100293 ). Good research indicates that building middle-priced housing increases affordability through "filtering," as some lower-priced housing occupants move into more expensive units, and over time as the new houses depreciate and become cheaper.
Let’s be friends. Todd Litman regularly posts on his Facebook page ( www.facebook.com/todd.litman ). Befriend him now!
* * * * *
"*Urban Planning for Future Regional Sky Transit*" ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6B0QnjxWfw ). Video of May 12 presentation at the *2018 Sustainable Aviation Symposium* concerning the potential benefits of urban air taxis.
"*City Talks Panel: Alternative Urbanisms in Victoria*" ( https://bit.ly/2QhQgUZ ).
The University of Victoria’s Fall *City Talks* series kicked off September 20 with a panel discussion on alternative urbanisms including youth-driven indigenous land restoration, Support Network for Indigenous Women and Women of Colour, urban place-making, affordable Infill, and anarchist festivals.
"*Driving Change: Technology and the Future of the Automated Vehicle*" ( https://bit.ly/2GwHvO2 ). Report includes evidence presented by Todd Litman to the *Canadian Senate Committee on Transport and Communications* concerning autonomous vehicle implementation.
"*Healthy Solutions to Climate Risks*" presented September 12 at the *Global Climate and Health Forum* (www.globalclimateandhealthforum.org ), part of the *Global Climate Action Summit* (www.globalclimateactionsummit.org ) in San Francisco. This presentation highlighted win-win strategies that can reduce climate change emissions and achieve other health objectives including reduced local pollution, increased physical activity and fitness, reduced traffic accidents, and increased affordability and inclusivity.
"*Preparing for A Changing Mobility Future: Emerging Planning Issues*" ( https://cura.osu.edu/nov9 ). November 9 presentation at Ohio State University Center for Urban and Regional Analysis (CURA). Includes video.
*98th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting*, January 13-17, 2019, in Washington, DC. We will participate in several related events:
"*Transportation Camp, DC*" (http://transportationcamp.org/events/dc2019 )
Saturday, January 12, 8:30 AM to 8:00 PM, Catholic University of America.
A participatory "non-conference" that explores innovative transportation solutions.
'*Multiple Perspective Gender Sensitive Quantitative and qualitative Data Analysis*' in "Bridge the Gap: Eliminating Gender Bias in Transportation Research" Workshop (https://annualmeeting.mytrb.org/Workshop/Details/10999 ).
Date: Sunday, January 13, 2019 Time: 9:00 AM-12:00PM.
'*Win-win Transportation Emission Reduction Strategies*' in "New Paradigm for Managing Emissions from Transportation Sources" ( https://annualmeeting.mytrb.org/Workshop/Details/10979 ).
Date: Sunday, January 13, 2019 Time: 9:00 AM-12:00PM
"*ITDP Sustainable Transport Award Ceremony*" (https://www.itdp.org )
Date: Tuesday, January 15, Time: 6:30-8:30pm, Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Ballroom C. A fun and inspiring event!
"*Transforming Transportation 2019*" ( http://www.transformingtransportation.org ).
January 17th - January 18th, 09:00 am - 17:00 pm, World Bank, Washington DC. This is an opportunity to learn and share with transportation practitioners from around the world.
* * * * *
"*Healthy Housing for All: How Affordable Housing is Leading the Way*" ( https://bit.ly/2QhhpaA ). This Urban Land Institute *Building Healthy Places Initiative* report explores how affordable and mixed-income developments can improve health outcomes.
"*Kingston’s Double-digit Ridership Growth Over the past Few Years is Unusual *" https://bit.ly/2zKPGou ). Express buses, new route planning, and working with major employers can increase small city transit ridership.
"*Modernizing Mitigation: A Demand-Centered Approach*" ( https://bit.ly/2TCxtBD ). This new guidebook by the State Smart Transportation Initiative and the Mayors Innovation Project, describes how to implement Transportation Demand Management (TDM) solutions to mitigate traffic impacts in particular situations. This is timely. Many jurisdictions, including California (https://bit.ly/2TCcAq6 https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F2TCcAq6%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2RAFm98TMhlVni4L81f04B_pdxl8UUwgMMEDBe8ZC4JiIzslRYAWvEbZw&h=AT0d3R-FjfgL1AaY42yqnyrlYmZiAk3tiYPR10uQcMnrcuAj-yXbjuOQFuFqpPEV1WwPRecgTWmqhPAr758-qnvqLeJAGNyp1EDXNpOJU3sLwl5GU5vOx5f5Xq_JVX53_A6HYlSiDTa4jRkLjO4sEUx2ZS14 ), Seattle (https://bit.ly/2KsE1i9 https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F2KsE1i9%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0vPx-V3KfvseEfAcL5TxxG64B8yXNcuVJfdsRSUvGhxjKPRQm_2g-apZY&h=AT2VAV8BZ39pwdV6i1RNb71aswA493EGsbgni1mRHdXYCXoWyHzEu3d9EzLuq2l59ZeYYCwCOCK3A3Az5MRMyYl38QQWMWEUdzVuvhrcbne8TIMDOL-fExLEsteRhmcYgVqXfG6ZilHzfO5IexTOsc0YhiLN ), and Portland (https://bit.ly/2OWzTri https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F2OWzTri%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1K4adry1BmO1Gvz0me0TiHVoXojC8XIwKfyIjyY4OvLccW7fZqMpKulGo&h=AT3ro8HDtGcD0Tym_5YZUJELV4QiqFY47Sfah7tiWbRlvOa12RcErfuCEUP4Fxb035s08AVW0clRt1dj83U6m4GSh-RQSX0tiDoWKGe8bYTeD5I98msAqB3uX7OHZGuHNGQDm8c8sucdpsuZj8WLKPItUZePTJA7vpnCR9wAXw ), have vehicle travel reduction targets, and consumer surveys ( https://bit.ly/2IaBgDp ) indicate that many people want to live in walkable neighborhood where they can drive less and rely more on non-auto modes. TDM strategies respond to those growing demands. Advice to young planners: if you want job security become an expert in TDM planning and evaluation ( www.vtpi.org/tdm ). The future belongs to the efficient!
"*2018 Voluntary National Reviews: Showcasing the Critical Role of the Transport Sector to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals*" ( http://www.slocat.net/vnr2018 ). This report analyzes how transport policies affect the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.
"*Accessibility in Practice: A Guide for Transportation and Land Use Decision Making*" (https://bit.ly/2SsVZ6O ) by the State Smart Transportation Initiative. This report describes methods for evaluating access to destinations for local and reginal planning purposes.
"*The Difference Between Mobility and Accessibility*" ( https://bit.ly/2qdr2rr ), by Daniel Herriges. Mobility refers to the distance you can travel in a given time period, accessibility refers to the number of destinations and activities you can reach in that time. The most productive places tend to be mobility-poor but access-rich.
"*Equity and Mobility*" (https://bit.ly/2MtaBEB ), by engineer and illustrator Ryan Martinson, published in '*Transportation Talk*,' the journal of the Canadian Institute of Transportation Engineers. This 12-page comic can help practitioners understand and apply social equity concepts in transport planning.
"*25 Great Ideas of New Urbanism*" (https://bit.ly/2G18IfG ). This free 204-page book by the Congress for New Urbanim (CNU) provides detailed information on innovative concepts that positively influenced planning and development.
*"Moving Beyond the Car: Families and Transportation in Vancouver" *( https://bit.ly/2zilrEe ) by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. This report, based on interviews with parents, describes why many families want alternatives to driving, and how this can be achieved.
*"Women’s Safety and Security: A Public Transport Priority"* International Transport Forum (https://bit.ly/2RF1IXl ). This report examines women's vulnerability when travelling, particularly by public transport, and ways to increase their safety, security and comfort.
"*A Step-by-Step Guide for Fixing Badly Planned American Cities*" ( https://bit.ly/2Uwb0qu ). Jeff Speck’s new book, "Walkable City Rules" ( https://islandpress.org/book/walkable-city-rules ) describes why and how to improve urban walkability. For inspiration see, "Walking the City. https://www.theguardian.com/cities/series/walking-the-city'For Me, This is Paradise.' Life in the Spanish City that Banned Cars" ( https://bit.ly/2B1aB6s).
"*Walking + Cycling in Vancouver 2016 Report Card*" (https://bit.ly/2ES0Dtf ). This comprehensive report evaluates Vancouver’s outstanding active transport program. It includes survey results indicating that walking, bicycling and public transit are 'social modes,' users have more friendly interactions than automobile occupants (although you probably knew that already!).
Two excellent books by Professor David Levinson, are now available free:
"*The End of Traffic and the Future of Access: A Roadmap to the New Transport Landscape*" (http://hdl.handle.net/2123/18972 ). This book discusses the concept of 'access' and its implications for more efficient and equitable cities.
"*Spontaneous Access: Reflexions on Designing Cities and Transport*" ( http://hdl.handle.net/2123/18973 ). This book describes how to create a ‘spontaneous city’ that allows people to do what they want, when they want?
"*Core Elements for Vision Zero Communities*" (https://bit.ly/2rowiZw ). This Vision Zero Network report can help practitioners and communities identify and implement practical ways to improve traffic safety.
"*Investing in Walking, Biking, and Safe Routes to School: A Win for the Bottom Line*" (https://bit.ly/2SFfdqb ). "*Complete Streets Policies + Bicycle + Pedestrian Plans: Key Tools for Supporting Healthy, Active Communities*" (https://bit.ly/2BWNNqf ). These two reports for the *Safe Routes to School National Partnership* describe why and how to create communities where students can safely walk and bicycle to schools, including strategies for building local political support.
"*Why Cities Must Tackle Single-Family Zoning*" (https://bit.ly/2QDU6Hm ), by Benjamin Schneider. As cities wake up to their housing crises, the problems with single-family-home residential zoning will become too egregious to ignore.
"*Central City in Motion Plan Adopted by Portland City Council*" ( https://bit.ly/2QHDv5j ). This article describes how Portland’s Central City in Motion Plan (https://bit.ly/2G0PiHM ) will give more give priority to space-efficient modes in order to increase efficiency and equity.
"*Report: Transit Attracts, Retains Jobs in Cities*" (https://bit.ly/2QIDkqo ). This report by the Chicago Metropolitan Planning Commission indicates that high quality transit helps attract and retain jobs by reducing consumer costs, traffic congestion, pollution and traffic accidents.
"*Quantifying Co-benefits in Asia: Method and Applications*" ( https://bit.ly/2Swljsz ). This report gives policymakers and practitioners tools for predicting how climate change emission reduction strategies can help achieve other strategic development goals. Also see the *Asian Co-benefits Partnership* (http://www.cobenefit.org ), which supports information-sharing and coordination concerning co-benefits of various emission reduction strategies.
* * * * *
*Please let us know if you have comments or questions about any information in this newsletter, or if you would like to be removed from our email list. And please pass this newsletter on to others who may find it useful.*
Todd Litman (litman@vtpi.org)
Victoria Transport Policy Institute (www.vtpi.org)
Office: 250-360-1560 | Mobile: 250-508-5150
1250 Rudlin Street, Victoria, BC, V8V 3R7, CANADA
Efficiency - Equity - Clarity
This may be of interest to people. One of the comments, for example, is that the cost of a parking space in an urban area is more than the cost of the car that parks there. The general theme is that we usually pay for parking indirectly through taxes, cost of housing or the cost of a commercial development, for example. Litman argues that instead of making parking "free" to users and providing more parking than the estimated need under these conditions, we should provide a more moderate supply and deal with any excess parking demand through various management approaches, like sharing parking among users. He points out that cheap parking distorts people's transportation decisions, and that where the cost of parking is paid by users they decide to use or buy cars less often.
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Todd Litman litman@vtpi.org Date: Mon, Dec 10, 2018 at 5:00 PM Subject: VTPI News - Fall 2018 To: Todd Alexander Litman litman@vtpi.org
* Victoria Transport Policy Institute*
"Efficiency - Equity - Clarity"
Fall 2018 Vol. 18, No. 4
The Victoria Transport Policy Institute is an independent research organization dedicated to developing innovative solutions to transportation problems. The VTPI website (www.vtpi.org ) has many resources addressing a wide range of transport planning and policy issues. VTPI also provides consulting services.
"*The Surprising Power of Parking Management*" (https://bit.ly/2SzKRVT ). This Reinventing Parking podcast includes a discussion by Paul Barter and Todd Litman concerning how parking management can help solve diverse urban problems. Put simply, conventional development practices require housing for cars not people, resulting in 2-6 off-street parking spaces per vehicle and a shortage of affordable housing. More efficient management can reduce the number of parking spaces needed to serve a destination, providing huge savings and benefits. Everybody wins!
"*The Best Tool for Reducing Traffic Deaths? More Transit!*" ( https://bit.ly/2QgB6yZ ). This StreetBlog column uses research from the report, "*A Hidden Traffic Safety Solution*" (https://bit.ly/2DS23z6 https://disq.us/url?url=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F2DS23z6%3AJdYDBd86I24iMyVZrwo_Ilgdfgw&cuid=733168 ). "*A New Traffic Safety Paradigm*" (www.vtpi.org/ntsp.pdf http://disq.us/url?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.vtpi.org%2Fntsp.pdf%3AQ61Olh-IQNmq4mBqrofTiWOj1Xo&cuid=733168 ), provides additional information on the traffic safety benefits of more multimodal transport planning.
"*CityLab University: Induced Demand*" (https://bit.ly/2Sy8rCd ). When traffic-clogged highways are expanded, additional trips generally fill much of the increased capacity. This article is based on our report, "*Generated Traffic: Implications for Transport Planning*" ( http://www.vtpi.org/gentraf.pdf ).
"*Educated Millennial Population Growth in Cities and Its Impact on Transportation*" (https://bit.ly/2Pjgj8R ), by Sam Schwartz and Julia Fiore. This ITE Journal article describes the growing number of younger urban residents who want more affordable housing and transport options, based on VTPI’s affordability research (http://www.vtpi.org/aff_acc_hou.pdf ).
"*Why the Transportation Energy Intensity of Buildings Matters*" ( https://bit.ly/2E9B455 ), by Alex Wilson and Paula Melton. This Building Green study points out that the energy used traveling to and from buildings (“transportation energy intensity”) often exceeds the energy used to run them, so accessible location is essential for truly efficient buildings.
"*Rural Multimodal Planning: Why and How to Improve Travel Options in Small Towns and Rural Communities*" (https://bit.ly/2G5OtO9 ). This report that explores why and how to implement more multimodal planning in rural areas and small towns. Current trends are increasing demand for non-auto travel options in rural communities, including aging populations, rising poverty, growing health and safety concerns, and growing tourist industries.
"*True Affordability: Critiquing the International Housing Affordability Survey*" (http://www.trb.org/main/blurbs/178166.aspx ). This report critically evaluates the *International Housing Affordability Survey*, which rates regional housing prices relative to incomes.
"*Quantifying Social Costs and Benefits to Guide Individual Action*" ( https://bit.ly/2yODulZ https://bit.ly/2yODulZ?fbclid=IwAR3c7ja1emEakkOEomIOy_hJuvIAGEhZzRA9XVXQvCQEbBIzjf8jVcVrCww ), by CityFi. This column uses VTPI analysis to compare the external costs of various transport modes, as a way to communicate the value of choosing more resource-efficient transport options.
"*Cities Can Save $17 Trillion by Preventing Urban Sprawl*" ( https://bit.ly/2Dyx6Cr ) by the World Resources Institute. This column describes research in the New Climate Economy report, "Unlocking the Inclusive Growth Story of the 21st Century," which identifies practical ways to reduce climate emissions and achieving economic development and social equity goals. It uses data from the 2015 report, "Analysis of Public Policies That Unintentionally Encourage and Subsidize Urban Sprawl" ( https://bit.ly/1lWmroP ), which estimated that sprawl is conservatively estimated to cost the US at least 7% of national GDP. This report provides an encouraging message: environmental protection can be achieved in ways that increase economic efficiency, productivity and opportunity.
"*The Effects of Long Commutes and What To Do About Them: An Annotated Bibliography*" (https://bit.ly/2Ptvo94 ), for CloseCommute Systems ( www.closecommute.com ). Closer Commutes identifies ways to reduce commute travel in multi-worksite employers, which collectively employ about 40% of the urban workforce.
Recent *Planetizen Blogs* (www.planetizen.com/blog/2394 ):
"*Planning for Crime Reduction*" (https://www.planetizen.com/blogs/101826 ). Few issues are more emotional, and therefore vulnerable to bad analysis, than urban crime risk. Solid research indicates that more compact and mixed development tends to increase neighborhood security. Jane Jacobs was right! This column includes some original analysis which compares murder, homicide and suicide rates by community type, which indicates that large cities have lower total risk than smaller cities, towns and rural areas. This indicates that Smart Growth is safer as well as healthier.
"*Dynamic Planning for Affordability*" ( https://www.planetizen.com/blogs/100402 )
Conventional planning is static, designed to lock in existing land use patterns. We need more dynamic planning to respond to changing household needs and community goals.
"*Win-Win Solutions for Climate Protection and Health*" ( https://www.planetizen.com/blogs/100874 ). The *Call to Action on Climate and Health* is an ambitious plan to achieve both global climate and health goals. Planners can help identify win-win solutions that provide multiple benefits and so can build broad implementation coalitions.
"*How Filtering Increases Housing Affordability*" ( https://www.planetizen.com/blogs/100293 ). Good research indicates that building middle-priced housing increases affordability through "filtering," as some lower-priced housing occupants move into more expensive units, and over time as the new houses depreciate and become cheaper.
Let’s be friends. Todd Litman regularly posts on his Facebook page ( www.facebook.com/todd.litman ). Befriend him now!
* * * * *
"*Urban Planning for Future Regional Sky Transit*" ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6B0QnjxWfw ). Video of May 12 presentation at the *2018 Sustainable Aviation Symposium* concerning the potential benefits of urban air taxis.
"*City Talks Panel: Alternative Urbanisms in Victoria*" ( https://bit.ly/2QhQgUZ ).
The University of Victoria’s Fall *City Talks* series kicked off September 20 with a panel discussion on alternative urbanisms including youth-driven indigenous land restoration, Support Network for Indigenous Women and Women of Colour, urban place-making, affordable Infill, and anarchist festivals.
"*Driving Change: Technology and the Future of the Automated Vehicle*" ( https://bit.ly/2GwHvO2 ). Report includes evidence presented by Todd Litman to the *Canadian Senate Committee on Transport and Communications* concerning autonomous vehicle implementation.
"*Healthy Solutions to Climate Risks*" presented September 12 at the *Global Climate and Health Forum* (www.globalclimateandhealthforum.org ), part of the *Global Climate Action Summit* (www.globalclimateactionsummit.org ) in San Francisco. This presentation highlighted win-win strategies that can reduce climate change emissions and achieve other health objectives including reduced local pollution, increased physical activity and fitness, reduced traffic accidents, and increased affordability and inclusivity.
"*Preparing for A Changing Mobility Future: Emerging Planning Issues*" ( https://cura.osu.edu/nov9 ). November 9 presentation at Ohio State University Center for Urban and Regional Analysis (CURA). Includes video.
*98th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting*, January 13-17, 2019, in Washington, DC. We will participate in several related events:
"*Transportation Camp, DC*" (http://transportationcamp.org/events/dc2019 )
Saturday, January 12, 8:30 AM to 8:00 PM, Catholic University of America.
A participatory "non-conference" that explores innovative transportation solutions.
'*Multiple Perspective Gender Sensitive Quantitative and qualitative Data Analysis*' in "Bridge the Gap: Eliminating Gender Bias in Transportation Research" Workshop (https://annualmeeting.mytrb.org/Workshop/Details/10999 ).
Date: Sunday, January 13, 2019 Time: 9:00 AM-12:00PM.
'*Win-win Transportation Emission Reduction Strategies*' in "New Paradigm for Managing Emissions from Transportation Sources" ( https://annualmeeting.mytrb.org/Workshop/Details/10979 ).
Date: Sunday, January 13, 2019 Time: 9:00 AM-12:00PM
"*ITDP Sustainable Transport Award Ceremony*" (https://www.itdp.org )
Date: Tuesday, January 15, Time: 6:30-8:30pm, Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Ballroom C. A fun and inspiring event!
"*Transforming Transportation 2019*" ( http://www.transformingtransportation.org ).
January 17th - January 18th, 09:00 am - 17:00 pm, World Bank, Washington DC. This is an opportunity to learn and share with transportation practitioners from around the world.
* * * * *
"*Healthy Housing for All: How Affordable Housing is Leading the Way*" ( https://bit.ly/2QhhpaA ). This Urban Land Institute *Building Healthy Places Initiative* report explores how affordable and mixed-income developments can improve health outcomes.
"*Kingston’s Double-digit Ridership Growth Over the past Few Years is Unusual *" https://bit.ly/2zKPGou ). Express buses, new route planning, and working with major employers can increase small city transit ridership.
"*Modernizing Mitigation: A Demand-Centered Approach*" ( https://bit.ly/2TCxtBD ). This new guidebook by the State Smart Transportation Initiative and the Mayors Innovation Project, describes how to implement Transportation Demand Management (TDM) solutions to mitigate traffic impacts in particular situations. This is timely. Many jurisdictions, including California (https://bit.ly/2TCcAq6 https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F2TCcAq6%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2RAFm98TMhlVni4L81f04B_pdxl8UUwgMMEDBe8ZC4JiIzslRYAWvEbZw&h=AT0d3R-FjfgL1AaY42yqnyrlYmZiAk3tiYPR10uQcMnrcuAj-yXbjuOQFuFqpPEV1WwPRecgTWmqhPAr758-qnvqLeJAGNyp1EDXNpOJU3sLwl5GU5vOx5f5Xq_JVX53_A6HYlSiDTa4jRkLjO4sEUx2ZS14 ), Seattle (https://bit.ly/2KsE1i9 https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F2KsE1i9%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0vPx-V3KfvseEfAcL5TxxG64B8yXNcuVJfdsRSUvGhxjKPRQm_2g-apZY&h=AT2VAV8BZ39pwdV6i1RNb71aswA493EGsbgni1mRHdXYCXoWyHzEu3d9EzLuq2l59ZeYYCwCOCK3A3Az5MRMyYl38QQWMWEUdzVuvhrcbne8TIMDOL-fExLEsteRhmcYgVqXfG6ZilHzfO5IexTOsc0YhiLN ), and Portland (https://bit.ly/2OWzTri https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F2OWzTri%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1K4adry1BmO1Gvz0me0TiHVoXojC8XIwKfyIjyY4OvLccW7fZqMpKulGo&h=AT3ro8HDtGcD0Tym_5YZUJELV4QiqFY47Sfah7tiWbRlvOa12RcErfuCEUP4Fxb035s08AVW0clRt1dj83U6m4GSh-RQSX0tiDoWKGe8bYTeD5I98msAqB3uX7OHZGuHNGQDm8c8sucdpsuZj8WLKPItUZePTJA7vpnCR9wAXw ), have vehicle travel reduction targets, and consumer surveys ( https://bit.ly/2IaBgDp ) indicate that many people want to live in walkable neighborhood where they can drive less and rely more on non-auto modes. TDM strategies respond to those growing demands. Advice to young planners: if you want job security become an expert in TDM planning and evaluation ( www.vtpi.org/tdm ). The future belongs to the efficient!
"*2018 Voluntary National Reviews: Showcasing the Critical Role of the Transport Sector to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals*" ( http://www.slocat.net/vnr2018 ). This report analyzes how transport policies affect the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.
"*Accessibility in Practice: A Guide for Transportation and Land Use Decision Making*" (https://bit.ly/2SsVZ6O ) by the State Smart Transportation Initiative. This report describes methods for evaluating access to destinations for local and reginal planning purposes.
"*The Difference Between Mobility and Accessibility*" ( https://bit.ly/2qdr2rr ), by Daniel Herriges. Mobility refers to the distance you can travel in a given time period, accessibility refers to the number of destinations and activities you can reach in that time. The most productive places tend to be mobility-poor but access-rich.
"*Equity and Mobility*" (https://bit.ly/2MtaBEB ), by engineer and illustrator Ryan Martinson, published in '*Transportation Talk*,' the journal of the Canadian Institute of Transportation Engineers. This 12-page comic can help practitioners understand and apply social equity concepts in transport planning.
"*25 Great Ideas of New Urbanism*" (https://bit.ly/2G18IfG ). This free 204-page book by the Congress for New Urbanim (CNU) provides detailed information on innovative concepts that positively influenced planning and development.
*"Moving Beyond the Car: Families and Transportation in Vancouver" *( https://bit.ly/2zilrEe ) by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. This report, based on interviews with parents, describes why many families want alternatives to driving, and how this can be achieved.
*"Women’s Safety and Security: A Public Transport Priority"* International Transport Forum (https://bit.ly/2RF1IXl ). This report examines women's vulnerability when travelling, particularly by public transport, and ways to increase their safety, security and comfort.
"*A Step-by-Step Guide for Fixing Badly Planned American Cities*" ( https://bit.ly/2Uwb0qu ). Jeff Speck’s new book, "Walkable City Rules" ( https://islandpress.org/book/walkable-city-rules ) describes why and how to improve urban walkability. For inspiration see, "Walking the City. https://www.theguardian.com/cities/series/walking-the-city'For Me, This is Paradise.' Life in the Spanish City that Banned Cars" ( https://bit.ly/2B1aB6s).
"*Walking + Cycling in Vancouver 2016 Report Card*" (https://bit.ly/2ES0Dtf ). This comprehensive report evaluates Vancouver’s outstanding active transport program. It includes survey results indicating that walking, bicycling and public transit are 'social modes,' users have more friendly interactions than automobile occupants (although you probably knew that already!).
Two excellent books by Professor David Levinson, are now available free:
"*The End of Traffic and the Future of Access: A Roadmap to the New Transport Landscape*" (http://hdl.handle.net/2123/18972 ). This book discusses the concept of 'access' and its implications for more efficient and equitable cities.
"*Spontaneous Access: Reflexions on Designing Cities and Transport*" ( http://hdl.handle.net/2123/18973 ). This book describes how to create a ‘spontaneous city’ that allows people to do what they want, when they want?
"*Core Elements for Vision Zero Communities*" (https://bit.ly/2rowiZw ). This Vision Zero Network report can help practitioners and communities identify and implement practical ways to improve traffic safety.
"*Investing in Walking, Biking, and Safe Routes to School: A Win for the Bottom Line*" (https://bit.ly/2SFfdqb ). "*Complete Streets Policies + Bicycle + Pedestrian Plans: Key Tools for Supporting Healthy, Active Communities*" (https://bit.ly/2BWNNqf ). These two reports for the *Safe Routes to School National Partnership* describe why and how to create communities where students can safely walk and bicycle to schools, including strategies for building local political support.
"*Why Cities Must Tackle Single-Family Zoning*" (https://bit.ly/2QDU6Hm ), by Benjamin Schneider. As cities wake up to their housing crises, the problems with single-family-home residential zoning will become too egregious to ignore.
"*Central City in Motion Plan Adopted by Portland City Council*" ( https://bit.ly/2QHDv5j ). This article describes how Portland’s Central City in Motion Plan (https://bit.ly/2G0PiHM ) will give more give priority to space-efficient modes in order to increase efficiency and equity.
"*Report: Transit Attracts, Retains Jobs in Cities*" (https://bit.ly/2QIDkqo ). This report by the Chicago Metropolitan Planning Commission indicates that high quality transit helps attract and retain jobs by reducing consumer costs, traffic congestion, pollution and traffic accidents.
"*Quantifying Co-benefits in Asia: Method and Applications*" ( https://bit.ly/2Swljsz ). This report gives policymakers and practitioners tools for predicting how climate change emission reduction strategies can help achieve other strategic development goals. Also see the *Asian Co-benefits Partnership* (http://www.cobenefit.org ), which supports information-sharing and coordination concerning co-benefits of various emission reduction strategies.
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*Please let us know if you have comments or questions about any information in this newsletter, or if you would like to be removed from our email list. And please pass this newsletter on to others who may find it useful.*
Todd Litman (litman@vtpi.org)
Victoria Transport Policy Institute (www.vtpi.org)
Office: 250-360-1560 | Mobile: 250-508-5150
1250 Rudlin Street, Victoria, BC, V8V 3R7, CANADA
Efficiency - Equity - Clarity
participants (1)
Jeremy Hull