FREE Webinar, IWALK Registration and Golden Sneaker Request

[Forwarded on behalf of Jackie Avent, Active & Safe Routes to School Coordinator, Resource Conservation Manitoba.]
*please circulate widely apologies for cross-postings*
Please join us for a *free* webinar on Safe Routes to School International Best Practices and Tips.
When: Wednesday, August 19th, 2009 from 2 pm to 3 pm. Brief discussion to follow.
Where: Manitoba Eco-Centre 3rd Floor, 303 Portage Avenue (access through the Mountain Equipment Co-op Lobby).
RSVP to Jackie Avent; (204) 925-3773
Here is more information about the webinar:
APBP Professional Development Webinar series
Expand Your SRTS Toolbox: Learn about a New, National Pedestrian Safety Education Curriculum, Swiss Education Strategies, and Baltimore's Safety City
Wednesday, August 19 · 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. CDT
Come and learn about the new, NHTSA-funded pedestrian education curriculum for K-5 which will be released in November 2009. Its creators, Toole Design Group, tied the six-module curriculum to national standards of learning for mathematics, music, art, and physical education. The modules cover the basics of safe walking (along and across roadways), best crossing locations, understanding and using traffic signals, safe bus riding skills and parking lot safety. Teacher scripts make this very visual curriculum work effectively in many settings.
Also up is an insider's look at the Winterthur, Switzerland, Traffic Garden where children learn safe walking and bicycling skills throughout their school years. Training is reinforced regularly. Join city staff and police to learn how they implement an annual learning adventure that benefits the entire community. We'll conclude with a sneak preview of a U.S. equivalent: Safety City in Druid Hill Park in Baltimore, MD. The guest co-moderator for this webinar is Jon Kaplan, VT Bicycle/Pedestrian Coordinator and a member of the International Ped Bike Scan Team that visited Winterthur.
participants (1)
Beth McKechnie