From our neighbours down the Trans Canada.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Maureen Owens Date: Wed, May 25, 2016 at 2:40 PM Subject: Bike Week
Hello Everyone,
I am forwarding on the Bike Week poster of events and the poster for the kick off. As well, I have included the Face Book link where more information can be found. Please share far and wide and print and post if you can. Thank you.
Healthy Living Facilitator çFacilitatrice de vie saine
Southern Health-Santé Sud
Southport Regional Office
180 Centennaire Drive
Southport MB R0H 1N1
*Together leading the way for a healthier tomorrow.*
*Ensemble vers un avenir plus sain.*
Green space and being outdoors provide an opportunity for physical activity as well as a direct positive effect on reducing stress levels and enhancing mental well-being*.* So remember get outdoors and get a “dose” of nature to help you flourish.
Les espaces verts et être en plein air offrent une opportunité de faire de l’activité physique, ont un effect direct sur la diminution du niveau de stress en plus de favoriser le bien-être mental. Alors rappelez-vous, sortez dehors et prenez une « dose » de nature pour vous aider à vous épanouir.
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participants (1)
Anders Swanson