Fw: Cycling advocacy action on Tuesday December16th at 1:00 PM at City Hall

[From Jackie Avent, Bike to the Future, Co-Chair] http://biketothefuture.org
Please spread this far and wide to anyone you know who would like to see safer and more accessible cycling routes in Winnipeg.
Winnipeg has never been as close as we are today in seeing a significant increase in funding for Active Transportation (AT) to go towards complete routes throughout the city.
You may have read in the Free Press about efforts by Bike to the Future and partners like the Winnipeg Trails Association, Resource Conservation Manitoba, One Green City, and other local AT supporters [ed. note: Physical Activity Coalition of Manitoba] advocating for an increase in AT funding in the City's 2009 Capital Budget.
In an unprecedented move, two of the mayor's Executive Policy Committee members voted against the proposed 2009 Capital Budget because of limited funding for cyclists and other AT users.
We need to show the councillors that cycling is not a fringe issue, but that safe, enjoyable, accessible, and convenient cycling infrastructure is in everyone's best interests.
Tuesday December 16th at 1:00 PM at City Hall
We are asking all cyclists to come out -– bring your bike bells -- and support Mark Cohoe from Bike to the Future and Janice Lukes from the Winnipeg Trails Association who will be doing a joint presentation to City Council opposing the 2009 Capital Budget and advocating for equality for cyclists.
Your attendance will help make a difference.
What else can you do to help?
1. Pass this message on to all the people you know who are interested in having better facilities for cycling in Winnipeg.
2. Contact your city councillor (http://winnipeg.ca/council/) and ask him/her to increase the funding for active transportation. Share your reasons why you want to see more and safer infrastructure; if it existed, you would use it.
3. There may be an opportunity to speak on Tuesday at City Council if you feel strongly about increasing funding. Currently only two presentations opposing the budget are allowed, but by-laws can be waived if there are enough people wanting to be heard. Call your city councillor and tell him/her you want to speak to this issue.
Thank you.

Hi all, and we are encouraging all 'wanna' be commuter cyclists, walkers, and ANYONE that uses a sidewalk to come out and show support on Tuesday Dec. 16th at 1:00.
thank you janice lukes
Janice Lukes Winnipeg Trails Coordinator Winnipeg Trails Association 202 - One Forks Market Road Winnipeg, MB R3C 4L9 Cell (204) 952-4222 Fax (204) 943-7915 mailto:jlukes@shaw.ca jlukes@shaw.ca http://www.winnipegtrails.com/ www.WinnipegTrails.com
-----Original Message----- From: at-network-bounces@lists.umanitoba.ca [mailto:at-network-bounces@lists.umanitoba.ca] On Behalf Of Beth McKechnie Sent: December 12, 2008 11:54 AM To: AT Network Subject: [At-network] Fw: Cycling advocacy action on Tuesday December16th at1:00 PM at City Hall
[From Jackie Avent, Bike to the Future, Co-Chair] http://biketothefuture.org/ http://biketothefuture.org
Please spread this far and wide to anyone you know who would like to see safer and more accessible cycling routes in Winnipeg.
Winnipeg has never been as close as we are today in seeing a significant increase in funding for Active Transportation (AT) to go towards complete routes throughout the city.
You may have read in the http://biketothefuture.org/cycling-news/archives/2008/12/11/bike-paths-spli t-civic-committee Free Press about efforts by Bike to the Future and partners like the http://winnipegtrails.com/ Winnipeg Trails Association, http://resourceconservation.mb.ca/ Resource Conservation Manitoba, http://onegreencity.com/ One Green City, and other local AT supporters [ed. note: Physical Activity Coalition of Manitoba] advocating for an increase in AT funding in the City's 2009 Capital Budget.
In an unprecedented move, two of the mayor's Executive Policy Committee members voted against the proposed 2009 Capital Budget because of limited funding for cyclists and other AT users.
We need to show the councillors that cycling is not a fringe issue, but that safe, enjoyable, accessible, and convenient cycling infrastructure is in everyone's best interests.
Tuesday December 16th at 1:00 PM at City Hall
We are asking all cyclists to come out -- bring your bike bells -- and support Mark Cohoe from Bike to the Future and Janice Lukes from the Winnipeg Trails Association who will be doing a joint presentation to City Council opposing the 2009 Capital Budget and advocating for equality for cyclists.
Your attendance will help make a difference.
What else can you do to help?
1. Pass this message on to all the people you know who are interested in having better facilities for cycling in Winnipeg.
2. Contact your city councillor ( http://winnipeg.ca/council/ http://winnipeg.ca/council/) and ask him/her to increase the funding for active transportation. Share your reasons why you want to see more and safer infrastructure; if it existed, you would use it.
3. There may be an opportunity to speak on Tuesday at City Council if you feel strongly about increasing funding. Currently only two presentations opposing the budget are allowed, but by-laws can be waived if there are enough people wanting to be heard. Call your city councillor and tell him/her you want to speak to this issue.
Thank you.
participants (2)
Beth McKechnie
Janice Lukes