Active & Green Spring 2008

Here is the latest issue of "Active & Green", an e-newsletter developed by Resource Conservation Manitoba to help keep people informed and connected regarding the latest in green commuting issues in Winnipeg and elsewhere. As supporters of green commuting and active living, we hope you will find the information useful and circulate within your workplace and networks. (Apologies for any duplicate postings.)
Check it out at:
* Info on Earth Day events happening this weekend & next week * International Trails Day & Bike to Work Day * Upcoming Commuter Challenge * How to Keep Your Bike Safe * Bike Racks as Art on Broadway * Neighbourhood Cycling Groups * Jane's Walks in Winnipeg * How to be Idle-wise * and much more!
If you are not able to access the online pdf, please forward your mailing address to receive a hard copy.
stay active & green, Beth McKechnie & Jessie Klassen
Green Commuting Initiatives Resource Conservation Manitoba (204) 925-3772 / /
participants (1)
Beth McKechnie