Fwd: [trans-action] Every Street Should be a Bicycle Route

A good article to read. Perhaps someone can encourage Colville-Andersen to come to Winnipeg for a speaking engagement!
David Wieser
From: Richard Campbell richard.campbell.lists@gmail.com
The bottom line is that every street should be a bicycle route. That includes busy commercial streets that have the shops and other destinations where people want to go. To really encourage people to cycle, it must be more convenient than driving. From: http://bikeportland.org/2009/10/30/want-to-be-like-copenhagen-think-about-va... In the 1980s, when Copenhagen was experiencing a boom in bicycling, city officials worried that too many people were riding on the busy main streets. “They thought, we’ve got to stop that, it’s not safe.” Their solution was to direct bike traffic to the backstreet by building high-quality cycle tracks through neighborhoods.
The problem was that the neighborhood routes meant people had to ride 10-15 minutes out of their way to get from a to b. The result? No one used them. “It was a flop. So, the city shrugged and went, ‘fine, we’ll put them on the main streets’”.
The lesson, says Colville-Andersen, is that planners should put bicycle infrastructure where people actually want to go, not where engineers think they should go.
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David Wieser