Hi - please help us spread the word on the Sun Trek event by forwarding it onto your networks, adding it to your calendar of events or e-newsletters! Thanks!
Join Winnipeg in motion and our many community partners for the 1st annual Sun Trek Event - Free summer fun for all ages!
Pick up your passport and take part in any of the following activities:
* Geocaching * Golf * Floor Shuffleboard * Horse Shoes * Lawn Bowling * Sand Volleyball * Slack Lining * Tennis * Urban Poling * Children's Games and much more!
Sunday, June 10, 2012
1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Harbour View Golf and Recreation Complex - 1867 Springfield Road
For additional information - visit www.winnipeginmotion.ca http://www.winnipeginmotion.ca/ or call 204-940-1676
Kristine Hayward
in motion Coordinator
2nd floor - 490 Hargrave Street
Winnipeg, MB
R3A 0X7
Telephone 204 940-1676
Cell 204 232-7546
Fax 204-940-2690
khayward@wrha.mb.ca mailto:khayward@wrha.mb.ca
Sign up to receive updates from Winnipeg in motion @ http://www.winnipeginmotion.ca/signup/ http://www.winnipeginmotion.ca/signup/
PLEASE NOTE THAT WE HAVE RECENTLY MOVED (MAY 5, 2012) - our mailing address and fax number has changed.
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participants (1)
Kristine Hayward