Hello everyone,
*This information is applicable to NSERC eligible Departments only. Please disregard this email if your students are eligible for SSHRC or CIHR awards only*
I am pleased to inform you that representatives from NSERC will be visiting the University of Manitoba once again to speak about NSERC awards for Master's and Ph.D. students (CGSM, PGSD and CGSD). Kindly advertise the attached information to students and staff. Note that Dr. Andrew Frederiksen, a U of M professor in the Department of Geological Sciences has been invited by NSERC to speak as he is a Scholarships and Fellowships Selection Committee member. Dr. Frederiksen will speak to students about what committees look for in the review process.
WHEN: Friday, September 15th TIME: 9:00 am - 12:00 noon WHERE: E3-262 Engineering Bldg. (Senate Chamber Room)
Please be advised that space in the Senate Chambers is limited to 100 capacity. Students are therefore required to register in order to attend. Registry is available online at https://manitobagrad.hobsonsradius.com/ssc/eform/zI788cCk8670x6700tBal.ssc
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask.
Thank you Rowena
________________________________ Rowena Krentz B.Comm. (Hons) Awards Officer Faculty of Graduate Studies * University of Manitoba 500 University Centre * Winnipeg, Manitoba * R3T 2N2 T 204.474.9836 * F 204.474.7553 ________________________________ Visit us Online: FGS Websitehttp://umanitoba.ca/graduate_studies/ * Facebookhttp://www.facebook.com/umgradstudies/ * Twitterhttp://www.twitter.com/umgradstudies/