Hello everyone,
Please be advised that the 2018-2019 Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship Competition is now open. The online application form is available via ResearchNethttps://www.researchnet-recherchenet.ca/rnr16/LoginServlet. Kindly distribute this information to potential Ph.D. students as well as Department Heads who will be preparing the nomination letters.
Additional information is available on the FGS Awards database http://webapps.cc.umanitoba.ca/gradawards/index.asp?WCI=SearchForm&WCE=b...
A few things to note for this year's competition:
1. September 7, 2018
a. Transcripts - Students must submit all transcripts to the Faculty of Graduate Studies by this deadline. Ceritifed true copies of U of M, domestic and international transcripts will be accepted. Please certify the documents as copies of official documents, sign and date. WEB TRANSCRIPTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
b. Nomination Letters - The nomination letter must e completed and signed by the Department Head nominating the candidate (equivalent or designate) and must be on the institution's letterhead. If signed by someon other than the Department Head, it should be clearly indicated in the letter that the signee has authority to nominate candidates to the Vanier CGS program.
The letter should be a maximum of two pages in length, and is the institution's opportunity to outline for the selection committee what makes the nominee unique. It should give the committee context for the nominee's achievements - outline how the nominee is exceptional and how the institution both fosters and benefits the student. Please refer to the Vanier website http://www.vanier.gc.ca/en/information_for_institutions-information_pour_eta... under the section "Nomination Letters" and ensure that the points outlined are included in the nomination letter.
NEW- Institutional Nomination Letter - Selectivity and Diversity. Institutions must comment on their commitment to fostering equity, diversity and inclusion as part of the recruitment and nomination process. Please refer to the new Equity, Diversity and Inclusion section of the Vanier website for further information.
2. September 14, 2018 @ 8:00 PM - Deadline to submit the online application via ResearchNet. Late applications will be not be considered.
1. Equity, Diversity and Inclusion - The Vanier Secretariat has curated a list of resources to help applicants, institutions, refereees and evaluators to consider equity, diversity and inclusion in their application. You are encouraged to review the resources available before preparing the application/reference letters/nomination letter. http://www.vanier.gc.ca/en/equity_diversity_inclusion-equite_diversite_inclu...
2. Indigenous Research - If a student's proposed research involves or impacts Indigenous communities, they are asked to inlcude the following text, in bold, at the beginning of their lay abstract "This research involves Indigenous Peoples". The program administrator for each selection committee (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) will then endeavor to make recommendations to ensure that the primary or secondary reviewer on these nominations and has expertise in Indigenous research in order to appropriately and effectively review the nomination.
3. Special Circumstances - in the past, nominees who were staying in the same institutions were encouraged to use the Special Circumstances document to justify the lack of mobility. Now, all nominees will draft a Personal Leadership Statement which includes reasons for choosing to undertake their Ph.D. at the nominating institution. The Special Circumstances document must only be used to outline the calculation of th enumber of months completed for combined undergraduate and doctoral program.
If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact our office.
Thank you Rowena ________________________________ Rowena Krentz B.Comm. (Hons) Awards Officer Faculty of Graduate Studies * University of Manitoba 500 University Centre * Winnipeg, Manitoba * R3T 2N2 T 204.474.9836 * F 204.474.7553 ________________________________ Visit us Online: FGS Websitehttp://umanitoba.ca/graduate_studies/ * Facebookhttp://www.facebook.com/umgradstudies/ * Twitterhttp://www.twitter.com/umgradstudies/