[University of Manitoba Faculty of Graduate Studies]
Hi Everyone,
Please see the attached Terms of Reference for three FGS awards, intended to recognize outstanding support provided to graduate students and programs by advisors, faculty member administrators, and support staff.
Nominations must be made online by April 26 by 4PM through the following links:
Award for Excellence in Graduate Student Mentoring https://universityofmanitoba.formstack.com/forms/fgsexcellenceingradstudentm...
Outstanding Administrator Award https://universityofmanitoba.formstack.com/forms/fgsoutstandingadministrator
Outstanding Administrator Award https://universityofmanitoba.formstack.com/forms/fgsoutstandinsupportstaff
Winners will be honoured at the Faculty of Graduate Studies Awards Reception at the end of November 2019. Further details will be provided.
Please consider making a nomination - or three!
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